

Infobox Holiday
holiday_name = Armilustrium
type = Pagan
longtype = Pagan, Historical

caption =
observedby = Ancient Romans
date = October 19
celebrations =
observances = Ritual purification of weapons
relatedto =
The Armilustrium was a festival in honor of Mars, the god of war, celebrated on October 19. On this day the weapons of the soldiers were ritually purified and stored for winter. The army would be assembled and reviewed in the Circus Maximus, garlanded with flowers and the trumpets (tubae) would be played as part of the purification rites. The Romans gathered with their arms and armour on the Aventine Hill, and held a procession with torches and sacrificial animals. The dancing priests of Mars known as the Salii may also have taken part in the ceremony.

Armilustrium also refers to a large open space on the Aventine Hill where the festival was held.

External links

* [*/Armilustrium.html Armilustrium (festival)] in Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities
* [*/Armilustrium.html Armilustrium (place)] in Platner's Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome

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