

ProViDa is a form of video camera used in police cars in Europe.

Developed in Denmark in 1986 by JaiVISION, it was used in Denmark with Rigspolitiet Denmark (the Danish national police).

There are several international variants for the "SPEED" counter on the camera:

* SPEED - United Kingdom, Poland, The Netherlands
* EGEN HASTIGHED - Denmark, Norway, Sweden - from the Danish word "egen hastighed" meaning "own speed"
* GESCHW - Germany - from the German word "geschwindigkeit" meaning "speed", abbreviated to GESCHW.


Early versions had the following display:PP SPEED 000.00 Mph

The other variants were:PP SPEED0.00 Mphand from 1994 onwardsPP SPEED0.00 m.p.h.SPEED000 m.p.h.

In 1996, a new version was launched, and this was in the format ofv: 0.00mpho: 0mph

By 1997, the screen was in a new format of:s: 0.00mpho: 0mph

the "v" and "s" represent "vehicle" and "speed", literally.

Foreign versions of the above were:h: 0.00km/to: 0km/t

where "h" is "egen hastighed", literally "own speed" in Danish.

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