

Infobox Archaeological Site Peru
site = Pachacamac
native_name =
other_name =

imagesize = 300px
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mapsize = 200px
map_caption = Location of Pachacamac in Peru
locator_x =
locator_y =
latd = 12
latm = 26
lats = 29
latNS = S
longd = 76
longm = 54
longs = 00
longEW = W
civilization = Huari
period = Middle Horizon
Late Intermediate
Late Horizon
country = PER
region = Lima
area =
elevation =
web =

The temple of Pachacamac is an archaeological site 40 km southeast of Lima, Peru in the Valley of the Lurín River. It had at least one pyramid, cemetery and multicolored fresco of fish by the Early Intermediate period (c. 200-600 CE). Later, the Huari (c. 600-800 CE) sponsored construction of the city, probably using it as an administrative center. A number of Huari influenced designs appear on the construction in this period and on the ceramics and textiles found in the cemeteries of this period. After the collapse of the Huari empire Pachacamac continued to grow as a religious state. The majority of the common architecture and temples were built at this stage (c. 800-1450 CE).

By the time the Tawantinsuyu arrived on the scene, the valleys of the Rímac and Lurín had a small state they called "Ichma" and they used Pachacamac as primarily a religious site for the veneration of the Pacha Kamaq creator god. The Ichma joined the Inca empire and Pachacamac became an important administrative center. However the Inca maintained it as a religious shrine and allowed the Pachacamac priests to continue functioning independently of the Inca priesthood. This included the oracle, whom the Inca presumably consulted. The Inca built five additional buildings, including a temple to the Sun on the main square.

Pacha Kamaq God

Pacha Kamaq ('Earth-Maker') was considered the creator god by the peoples who lived in Peru before the Inca conquest. He was taken into the Inca pantheon, but somewhat reluctantly, being seen mainly as an ineffective rival of Viracocha.

His myths are sparse and confused: some accounts, for example, identify him as Manco Capac's cowardly brother Ayca, while others say that he, Manco Capac and Viracocha were the sole three sons of Inti the sun god. Another story says that he made the first man and the first woman, but forgot to give them foodand when the man died and the woman prayed over Pachacamac's head to his father Inti to make her the mother of all the peoples of earth, Pachacamac was furious. One by one, as the children were born, he tried to kill themonly to be beaten and to be thrown into the sea by her hero-son Wichama, after which he gave up the struggle and contented himself by becoming the supreme god of fish.

In popular culture

Pachacamac was the name of the ship that originally carried the abducted Professor Calculus in "The Seven Crystal Balls" album of "The Adventures of Tintin". The next album, "Prisoners of the Sun", would deal with Tintin discovering an ancient Inca tribe still active in South America.

A character that appears in the videogame "Sonic Adventure" is named Pachacamac after the ancient ruin.

Pachacamac also was the name chosen by a french music group performing andine music on original instruments. Albums: PachacamacMusique des Incas (1971), Titicaca (1973), Contrastes (1975).

Pachacamac was also the name of the main villain in "Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger" vs. "Boukenger" crossover direct-to-video movie. He was said to initially fight Brusa Ii and won just barely. His descendant, Pachacamac the 12th attacked Earth and the two Sentai teams had to team-up and defeat him in the movie.


* Mcleish, K. (1996) Myths and Legends of the World, The Complete Companion to all Traditions, Blitz, United Kingdom.

External links

* [,lima,peru&ie=UTF8&t=k&om=0&z=17&ll=-12.256707,-76.900166&spn=0.005441,0.013497 Pachacamac Satellite view @ Google Maps]
* [ Pachacamac Museum]
* [ Stock Photos of Pachacamac]
* [ Visit Pachacamac (flash)]
* [ Pachacamac in Inca times(flash)]
* [ Pachacamac Archaeological Project]

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