- Jhadupudi
Jhadupudi is a small village in
Kanchili mandal ofSrikakulam District inAndhra Pradesh . It is located in between the small towns Sompeta and Itchapuram. It has a primary school up to 7th class and it has its ownrailway station (Jhadupudi RS) nearly about 1 km distance from this village.The village has nearly 500 households having the castes spread across Sondi, Reddika, Chakali and many other. It has a Lord Shiva temple which is a famous one. Even people from out side villages also visit regularly. In the heart of the village one Maha Vishnu temple is located. One Kali Devi temple is also located in the premises of the village.
It is Gram
Panchayat comprising of the villages including Jhadupudi itself, Golla Puttuga and Basava Puttuga.For higher education people will go to ZP High School located at Jhadupudi RS which has the education up to 10th class. This school has produced a sizable number of engineers settled in different fields including Software professionals.
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