- Petr Kostka
Petr Kostka (born
June 11 ,1938 ) is a Czechactor .He was born in
Říčany nearPrague ,Czechoslovakia . He received Thálie Award for performing Herman in "Mixed Emotions".
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Petr Kostka (born
He was born in
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
List of Czechs — This is a partial list of famous Czech, and Czech intelligible people. This list includes people of the Czech nationality as well as people having some significant Czech ancestry or association with Czech culture. Note: If you wish to add a name… … Wikipedia
Thalia Awards — The Czech Actors´ Association presents an annual Thalia Awards (Czech: Ceny Thálie) since 1993. The award is named after the muse of comedy Thalia. Awards for: Play Opera Musical Ballet Year Play Ballet, pantomime Opera, operetta, musical 1993… … Wikipedia
Naši furianti — (in English: Our Swaggerers) is a Czech play based on story by Ladislav Stroupežnický, played for the first time in 1887. In 1937 a film adaptation with the same title, directed by Vladislav Vančura was made. Contents 1 Story 2 Productions 2.1 … Wikipedia
Wie wäre es mit Spinat? — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Wie wäre es mit Spinat? Originaltitel Což takhle dát si špenát … Deutsch Wikipedia
A Night at Karlstein — (Czech: Noc na Karlštejně) is a 1974 Czechoslovak musical film directed by Zdeněk Podskalský, based on an 1884 play by Jaroslav Vrchlický. Contents 1 Cast 1.1 Film 2 Theatre … Wikipedia
Což takhle dát si špenát — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel: Wie wäre es mit Spinat? Originaltitel: Což takhle dát si špenát Produktionsland: Tschechoslowakei Erscheinungsjahr: 1977 Originalsprache: Tschechisch Altersfreigabe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Los quinientos millones de la Begún — Autor Julio Verne … Wikipedia Español
Приключения Алисы — … Википедия
Což takhle dát si špenát — Directed by Václav Vorlíček Written by Miloš Macourek Starring Vladimír Menšík Cinematography Františ … Wikipedia
Czech films of the 1970s — Czech cinema List of Czech films Pre 1920 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s … Wikipedia