- Simbi
Haiti anVodou , Simbi (also Sim'bi) is a large and diverse family of serpentLoa (Vodounspirit ) from the West Central Africa / Kongo region. Some prominent Simbi Loa include Simbi Dlo (also Simbi d'l'eau - Simbi of the Water), Simbi Makaya, Simbi Andezo (Simbi of Two Waters), and Gran Simba. Traditionally in their Kongo context they are all associated with water, but in the Haitian Vodoun context they have wide ranging associations. For example Simbi Makaya is a great sorcerer, and served in particular in the Sanpwelsecret societies . Simbi Anpaka is a Loa of plants, leaves, and poisons.Milo Rigaud (City Lights, NY; c1969; "Secrets of Voodoo") speaks of Simbi as the Vodou Mercury, the messenger of
Legba (theSun ). In this aspect Simbi is the bearer of souls to all places, and the creative principle.Appearances
*Governor General
Michaëlle Jean ofCanada , who was born in Haiti, bears two simbi as supporters on her coat of arms.
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