S5 (file format)

S5 (file format)

S5 stands for "Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System" and is an XHTML-based file format for defining slideshows. It was created by Eric A. Meyer as an alternative to the browser-centric Opera Show Format. S5 is not a presentation program, but fulfills the same purpose in combination with a standards-compliant web browser. The text of an S5 presentation can be stored in a single XHTML file. This file contains several slides which are coded in the following way.

<div class="slide"> <h1>slide title</h1> <ul> <li>the first point</li> <li>the second point</li> <li>the third point</li> </ul> <div class="handout"> ... additional material that appears on the handout </div> </div>

S5 presentations can be viewed in outline and slideshow mode - Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to define different layouts for outline, slideshow and print. Navigation controls, a dynamically generated list of slides and accesskeys allow browsing back and forth.

A more semantic version of the S5 format is based on the XOXO microformat and uses <li class="slide"> instead of divs for the slides, as well as <ol class="xoxo presentation"> instead of a div for the overall presentation.

On July 28th, 2005, the S5 format and software was placed in the Public Domain by Eric Meyer.

On September 7, 2005, Carsten Borman released [http://tzi.org:2000/s6.html S6, a "synchronized S5"] for coordinated display of an S5 slideshow to a number of different users.

On July 17th, 2006, Ryan King launched [http://s5project.org s5project.org] , "a new community site, dedicated to the S5 Presentation software".

In December 2006, Christian Effenberger launched [http://s5.netzgesta.de/ S5 Reloaded] , an extended version of S5 (autorun, scalable images, sound support, transition effects, new themes etc.).

See also

* Web based presentation tools

External links

* [http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/ Official homepage]
** [http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/s5-intro.html Example slideshow]
** [http://www.meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/primer.html Usage primer]
** [http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/xoxo-structure-ref.html S5 Reference (XOXO Version)]
** [http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2005/07/28/s5-11/ S5 1.1] - 2005-07-28 announcement and placement explicitly in the Public Domain.
* [http://s5project.org/ S5 Project]
** [http://s5project.org/news/2006/07/annoucing-s5projectorg.html Announcing S5Project.org] - 2006-07-17, official announcement of s5project.org community.
* [http://s5.netzgesta.de/ S5 Reloaded]
* [http://microformats.org/ Microformats.org community]
* [http://blog.amicoimmaginario.it/category/projects/rem/ssg/ SSG (S5 Slidy Generator Project)]
** [http://blog.amicoimmaginario.it/demo/s5generator/index.php SSG demo]
* [http://www.s5easy.com S5easy.com: Create S5 presentations in your browser]
* [http://tzi.org:2000/s6.html S6 - Synchronized S5]
* [http://cavorite.com/labs/presentacular/example/ Presentacular] adds [http://script.aculo.us/ script.aculo.us] visual effects to slide shows created with S5
* [http://icant.co.uk/domslides/ DOMSlides] turns an HTML document into presentation slides via Unobtrusive JavaScript, An Alternative to S5
* [http://slideshow.rubyforge.org/ Slide Show (S9)] is a Ruby gem that lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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