Philip James Barraud

Philip James Barraud

Philip James Barraud (1879-1948), was an English entomologist who specialised in mosquitoes. He worked in Iraq and India where he invented the Barraud cage (a box of made of muslin or organdie suspended on a wire frame placed inside insulators containing wet towels) for the transport and study of live mosquitoes.Barraud described many new genera and species of Culicidae. His collection, which included Palearctic Lepidoptera is in the Natural History Museum. The genus "Barraudius" Edwards, F.W., 1921 is named for him.


Partial list:
* Two new species of Culex (Diptera, Culicidae) from Assam. "Indian J. Med. Res". 11: 507-509 (1923).
* A revision of the culicine mosquitoes of India, Part XXIII. The genus Aedes (sens. lat.) and the classificationof the subgenus. Descriptions of the Indian species of Aedes(Aedimorphus), Aedes (Ochlerotatus), and Aedes (Banksinella.),with notes on Aedes (Stegomyia) uariegatus. "Indian J. Med.Res". 15: 653-69. (1928)
* A review of the culicine mosquitoes of India. Part XXIV. The Indian species of the subgenera Skusea and Aedes, with descriptions of eight new species, and remarks on amethod for identifying the females of the genus Aedes. "Indian J. Med. Res". 16: 357-75. (1928).1934. The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma.Diptera V, family Culicidae, tribes Megarhinini and Culicini.Taylor and Francis, London. 463 p.(1934).

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