António Augusto dos Santos
- António Augusto dos Santos
António Augusto dos Santos was a Portuguese General and commander of the Portuguese forces in Mozambique from 1964 until he was relieved of command in 1969. On the outbreak of the Mozambican War of Independence in 1964, Augusto dos Santos commanded the Portuguese forces in country and favoured the use of African units training by Portuguese regulars rather than committing the regulars to battle themselves.
The lack of success in Mozambique for Portugal, with one seventh of the population and one fifth of the country in FRELIMO hands by 1967, [Brendan F. Jundanian, "The Mozambique Liberation Front", (Library of Congress: Institut Universitaire De Hautes EtupesInternacionales, 1970), p. 70] Augusto dos Santos was relieved of command in 1969 and General Kaúlza de Arriaga took over in 1970. A year later, Augusto dos Santos began serving as the Portuguese Army Chief of Staff (Chefes do Estado-Maior do Exército), a post he held until 1974.
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