Mighty Like a Rose — Studio album by Elvis Costello Released 14 May 1991 Recorded … Wikipedia
come out/up smelling like a rose — (or come out/up smelling like/of roses) informal : to have success or good fortune in a situation in which you were likely to fail, be harmed, etc. The scandal forced several board members to resign, but the chairman came out smelling like a rose … Useful english dictionary
Mighty Like a Rose — Album par Elvis Costello Sortie 14 mai 1991 Enregistrement 1990 1991 Durée 54:19 Genre Rock Pop … Wikipédia en Français
come up smelling like a rose — {v. phr.} To escape from a difficult situation or misdeed unscathed or without punishment. * /A is predicted that Congressman Brown, in spite of the current investigation into his financial affairs, will come up smelling like a rose at the end./ … Dictionary of American idioms
come up smelling like a rose — {v. phr.} To escape from a difficult situation or misdeed unscathed or without punishment. * /A is predicted that Congressman Brown, in spite of the current investigation into his financial affairs, will come up smelling like a rose at the end./ … Dictionary of American idioms
come up smelling like a rose — (come up) smelling like a rose to end something positively or as a winner. Everyone thought he was guilty, but Smith still came up smelling like a rose. Hahn made a terrible play in the first half, but he was smelling like a rose by the finish … New idioms dictionary
smelling like a rose — (come up) smelling like a rose to end something positively or as a winner. Everyone thought he was guilty, but Smith still came up smelling like a rose. Hahn made a terrible play in the first half, but he was smelling like a rose by the finish … New idioms dictionary
smell like a rose — in. to seem innocent. □ I came out of the whole mess smelling like a rose, even though I caused all the trouble. □ Tiffany pretended that she was the only one who should smell like a rose, but I knew different … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
smell like a rose — verb To be regarded as appealing, virtuous, or respectable; to be untainted or unharmed. I dont suppose anyone from the director down will come out of this deal smelling like a rose, the warden commented, but our only hope is that some good will… … Wiktionary
come\ up\ smelling\ like\ a\ rose — v. phr. To escape from a difficult situation or misdeed unscathed or without punishment. A is predicted that Congressman Brown, in spite of the current investigation into his financial affairs, will come up smelling like a rose at the end … Словарь американских идиом