

name = "Protemnodon"cite web | author = Haaramo, M. | date = 2004-12-20 | accessdate = 2007-03-15 | title = Mikko's Phylogeny Archive: Macropodidae - kenguroos | url =]
fossil_range = Pleistocene

image_caption = "Protemnodon tumbuna"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
infraclassis = Marsupialia
ordo = Diprotodontia
familia = Macropodidae
subfamilia = Macropodinae
genus = "Protemnodon"
genus_authority = Owen, 1873
subdivision_ranks = Paleospecies
subdivision = †"P. otibandus"
†"P. buloloensis"
†"P. hopei"
†"P. tumbuna"
†"P. nombe"
†"P. snewiki"
†"P. anak"
†"P. antaeus"
†"P. goliah"
†"P. parvus"

"Protemnodon" is a genus of megafaunal macropods that existed in Australia and Papua New Guinea in the Pleistocene. Based on fossil evidence it is though that the known "Protemnodon" were physically similar to wallabies but far larger; "Protemnodon hopei" was the smallest in the genus weighing about 45 kilograms, the other species all weighed over 110 kg. [cite journal | author = Helgen, K.M., Wells, R.T., Kear, B.P., Gerdtz, W.R., and Flannery, T.F. | year = 2006 | title = Ecological and evolutionary significance of sizes of giant extinct kangaroos | journal = Australian Journal of Zoology | volume = 54 | pages = 293–303 | doi = 10.1071/ZO05077]


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