Raquel Evita Saraswati

Raquel Evita Saraswati

Raquel Evita Saraswati (b. 1983) is a reform-minded Muslim who currently works as Irshad Manji's executive assistant; specifically, she assists with Project Ijtihad, Irshad Manji's effort aimed at fostering critical thinking in Islam.

Upbringing and Education

Saraswati recently attended Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, where she majored in International Relations.


She serves on the Board of Directors of the Center for New Words (an organization promoting the power of women's words and literacy), and formerly served on the Steering Committee of Boston MASALA (for LGBTQ South Asians). Saraswati has also been involved with gay rights organizations Al-Fatiha and Dignity/USA, and supports the Campaign to Stop Child Executions [ [http://scenews.blog.com/1828470/ Muslim Project Ijtihad Supports Petition to Stop Child Executions « SCE News & Updates نوجوانان را اعدام نکنید ] ] .

She has appeared on CNN, WGBH and other news and radio stations.


ee also

*Irshad Manji
*Ayaan Hirsi Ali
*Liberal movements within Islam
*Asra Nomani

External links

* [http://www.raquelevita.com Personal site]
* [http://www.myspace.com/raquelevita MySpace profile]
* [http://www.raquelevita.wordpress.com Blog]
* [http://www.gaylesbiantimes.com/?id=10302&issue=1024 "The Pink Badge of Courage"]
* [http://www.centerfornewwords.org/about_us/board.php] Center for New Words biography
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqjNd4ennAY Saraswati's interview with CNN's Glenn Beck]
* [http://www.prospect.org/web/page.ww?section=root&name=ViewWeb&articleId=12664 Irshad Manji and Raquel Evita Saraswati in the American Prospect Online]
* [http://eteraz.org/tag/secularsummit Appearing on Eteraz.org, States of Islam]
* [http://www.q-notes.com/top2007/top09_063007.html Q-Notes "Noted, Notable, Noteworthy"]
* [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/943745.html Bhutto: the Failure and the Hope, Haaretz January 2008]
* [http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/spages/942902.html Bhutto: the Failure and the Hope (in Hebrew), Haaretz January 2008]

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