- Dogosse Giar
In the fictional Gundam universe, the "Dogosse Giar", also confused as "Dogos Gear" and the original Japanese name "Dogosgere", was a command vessel utilized by the Titans during the Gryps Conflict. Resembling the Federation's failed "Birmingham" class battleship, the "Dogosse Gier" had five main beam turrets, anti-aircraft defense, and (unlike its predecessor) a large mobile suit contingent. The vessel initially served as
flagship under Paptimus Scirocco during Operation Apollo. Suspicious of Scirocco's activities late in the war, Jamitov Hymem had command transferred to Captain Bask Om who used the ship as an escort for the colony laser and later to conduct newtype research. Shortly after Operation Maelstrom, Dogosse Gier was attacked and destroyed by the forces of Paptimus Scirocco in his successful bid to seize full control over the Titans.See also
Mobile Suit
*List of Mobile Suits External links
* [http://www.geocities.com/gundam_uc0079/index.html The World-Wide Gundam Informational Network]
* [http://www.mahq.net/index.htm MAHQ]
* [http://side7.gundam.com/rgz/info/uc_ship2.html Library of Londonion (ship names & fates)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.