Frank Silva

Frank Silva

Frank Silva (31 October 1949-13 September 1995) was an American set dresser and sometime actor best known for his disturbing performance as the evil spirit Bob in the TV series "Twin Peaks".

Silva had a degree in lighting design from San Francisco State University and worked as a prop master and set decorator on several films including David Lynchs "Wild at Heart".

Silva also worked on Lynchs "Twin Peaks". According to David Lynch on the 2007 Gold Edition DVD release of Twin Peaks, Lynch was upstairs in the Laura Palmer house, near Silva as he worked, and suddenly realized that Silva might have a place in the show. He asked Silva if he was an actor, and Silva said that he was. Later, Lynch accidentally caught him on camera when his reflection appeared in a mirror, and thus was born the character of Bob, a dark spirit who haunts Laura. Silva appeared occasionally as Bob, or Killer BOB, for the remainder of the "Twin Peaks" series and even appeared as Bob in the 1992 feature movie "". His first major appearance is in the International Version of the "Twin Peaks" pilot, which contained a standalone ending that resolved the mystery of the series and incorporated the above-mentioned accidental footage.

He also appears in the Anthrax video "Only." [ [ Frank Silva] at IMDB]

Frank Silva died on 13 September 1995, aged 45, due to complications of the AIDS virus. []



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