Bad Bocklet

Bad Bocklet

Infobox German Location
Wappen = Wappen MBB.pnglat_deg = 50 |lat_min = 16
lon_deg = 10 |lon_min = 5
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Bayern
Regierungsbezirk = Unterfranken
Landkreis = Bad Kissingen
Höhe = 230
Fläche = 36.20
Einwohner = 4569
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 97708
Vorwahl = 09708
Kfz = KG
Gemeindeschlüssel = 09 6 72 112
Gliederung = 7 Ortsteile
Straße = Frankenstr. 1
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Wolfgang Back
Partei = CSU

Bad Bocklet is a municipality in the district of Bad Kissingen in Bavaria in Germany. It is a market town and a health spa.


Bad Bocklet lies in a bend in the river Fränkische Saale in Franconia about 10 km north of the district capital Bad Kissingen. On the northside, the municipality borders on the district of Rhön-Grabfeld.

Divisions of the municipality

The municipality is divided into the following towns:
*Bad Bocklet


Bocklet is first documented in 1122 in the records of the monastery at Aura.

With secularization of the government in 1803, the territory of the present municipality became part of Bavaria. In the Treaty of Pressburg between France and Austria in 1805, the lands of the Bishop of Würzburg were given to Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany, and he was made Grand Duke of Würzburg, a new state, as a reward for his support of Napoleon. These lands then again became part of Bavaria in 1814 (this time permanently) at the defeat of Napoleon.

In 1937, the town was officially renamed Bad Bocklet.

In 1972, the towns of Aschach bei Bad Kissingen and Großenbrach became part of the municipality, followed in 1978 by Steinach an der Saale.


The "Marktgemeinderat" (municipal council) of Bad Bocklet has 17 members, including the mayor. Of those members, 9 were CSU, 5 SPD, and 3 Christian Electoral Community as of 2002.


The spa of the Bishop of Würzburg, which was built in the 18th century is the most notable architectural attraction. It also has a very extensive garden.

An annual "Straßenfest" (street fair) takes place in May.


The St. Nikolaus church has a crucifix by Tilman Riemenschneider.

The ruins of Steineck castle are on a hill between Steinach and Hohn. In town, there are both an old and a new palace. The "Bergkapelle" and the Jewish cemetery are also worth a visit.


"Schloss Aschach" is now the home of the Graf Luxburg Museum.


Hohn has many old open-beam houses.


Ruppels mill is an old water-driven mill.

External links

* [ Official Web site]


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