

Infobox German Location
image_photo = RhineAtGailingen.jpg
image_caption = Rhine River at Gailingen
Wappen = Wappen Gailingen am Hochrhein.pnglat_deg = 47 |lat_min = 41 |lat_sec = 49
lon_deg = 8 |lon_min = 45 |lon_sec = 18
Lageplan =
Bundesland = Baden-Württemberg
Regierungsbezirk = Freiburg
Landkreis = Konstanz
Höhe = 469
Fläche = 13.17
Einwohner = 3070
Stand = 2005-12-31
PLZ = 78262
PLZ-alt = 7704
Vorwahl = 07734
Kfz = KN
Gemeindeschlüssel = 08 3 35 026
Straße = Hauptstraße 7
Website = []
Bürgermeister = Heinz Brennenstuhl

Gailingen is a town in the district of Konstanz in Baden-Württemberg in southern Germany.

It is situated in the southern part of the landscape called Hegau in a unique location on the northern bank of the Rhine River (High Rhine) just across from Switzerland and close to the Lake of Constance. It is therefore also called Gailingen am Hochrhein ("G. on the Upper Rhine"). The population currently is 3070.


Founded over 1,000 years ago, Gailingen was first mentioned in a document in 965 A.D However, the village probably dates back to the 5th century when the Alamanni settled in the area. The nameGailingenliterally refers tothe people of Geilo,” one of the Alamanni leaders.

In the 11th century, a family of noblemen owned the area and probably erected a castle on the Rauhenberg mountain. This castle is gone for long already but left its name on that part of the mountain. In the 14th century, ownership was transferred to the former noble family of Randegg, which left her sign of a lions head in the towns shield.

The town changed hands numerous times in the course of the following centuries. In 1540, the neighbouring city of Schaffhausen (in Switzerland) purchased one third of the domain; the other parts were owned by several families, with the Liebenfels family being responsible for the construction of a lovely small castle calledLiebenfelsisches Schloesschenin 1750.

Beginning in the mid-17th century, Gailingen became the home of several Jewish families and gradually became one of the largest Jewish communities in the south of Germany. They built a synagogue, school, hospital and old peoples home, and their population reached a number almost as high as that of the non-Jewish population. In 1870, the town elected its first Jewish mayor. Seven years later, both Jewish and non-Jewish children were attending the same school. Members of both faiths were living together peacefully until Hitlers rise to power led to the complete destruction of life as it had been for all Germans. In October 1940, over 200 Jews from Gailingen were torn out of their homes to be deported to France.


In 1950, Gailingen became the seat for a rehabilitation clinic, and in 1972, a second one specifically addressing young people followed. A new church and a new school were built as well. What used to be a largely agricultural village is now a modern town, catering to tourists from all over the world. Due to its beautiful location, clean air, and peaceful surroundings Gailingen was awarded the titlenational health resortin 1977.

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