List of works by Clark Ashton Smith

List of works by Clark Ashton Smith

The following is a list of works by Clark Ashton Smith.__TOC__


* Abandoned Plum-Orchard
* The Absence of the Muse
* The Abyss Triumphant
* Adjuration
* Adventure
* After Armageddon
* Aftermath of Mining Days
* Afterwards
* Alchemy of Sorrow
* Alexandrines
* Alienage
* "All is Dross that is not Helena"
* Almost Anything
* Las Alquerjas Perdidas
* Alternative
* Amithaine
* Amor
* Amor Aeternalis
* Amor Autumnalis
* Amor Hesternalis
* The Ancient Quest
* Anodyne of Autumn
* Antepast
* Anterior Life
* Anteros
* Apologia
* Apostrophe
* Arabesque
* Artemis
* Ashes of Sunset
* At Sunrise
* Atlantis
* Attar of the Past
* Au Bord du Léthé
* August
* The Autumn Lake
* Autumn Orchards
* Autumnal
* Autumn's Pall
* Ave Atque Vale
* Averoigne
* Averted Malefice
* Avowal
* Bacchante
* The Balance
* The Barrier
* Basin in Boulder
* Beatrice
* Beauty Implacable
* Bed of Mint
* Bedouin Song
* Before Dawn
* Before Sunrise
* Belated Love
* Benares
* Berries of the Deadly Nightshade
* Beyond the Door
* Beyond the Great Wall
* Bird of Long Ago
* The Blindness of Orion
* Bond
* Borderland
* Boys Rob A Yellow-Hammer's Nest
* Boys Telling Bawdy Tales
* Brumal
* Builder of Deserted Hearth
* The Burden of the Suns
* The Burning-Ghauts At Benares
* But Grant, O Venus
* The Butterfly
* By the River
* Calendar
* Calenture
* The Call of the Wind
* Cambion
* Canticle
* The Castle of Dreams
* A Catch
* Cats in Winter Sunlight
* Cattle Salute the Psychopomp
* The Centaur
* Chainless Captive
* Chance
* Change
* Chansonette
* Chant of Autumn
* Chant to Sirius
* The Cherry-Snows
* The Chimera
* The City in the Desert
* The City of Destruction
* The City of the Titans
* Classic Epigram
* Classic Reminiscence
* Cleopatra
* The Cloud-Islands
* Cloudland
* Coldness
* Concupiscence
* Connaissance
* Consolation
* Contradiction
* Copan
* Copyist
* Crepuscule
* Crimen Amoris
* Crows in Spring
* The Crucifixion of Eros
* Cumuli
* Cycles
* The Cypress
* Dancer
* The Dark Chateau
* A Dead City
* Dead Love
* Death
* The Death of Lovers
* Decadence
* December
* Declining Moon
* Dedication | to Carol
* The Departed City
* Departure
* Desert Dweller
* Desire of Vastness
* Desolation
* Dialogue
* Didus ineptus
* Disillusionment
* Dissidence
* Dissonance
* Do You Forget, Enchantress?
* Dolor of Dreams
* Dominion
* Dominium in Excelsis
* Don Juan Sings
* Don Quixote on Market Street
* ¿Donde Duermes, Eldorado?
* Dos Mitos Y Una Fabula
* Doubtful Skies
* The Dragon-Fly
* Dream Mystery
* A Dream of Beauty
* A Dream of Oblivion
* A Dream of the Abyss
* The Dream-Bridge
* The Dream-God's Realm
* Duality
* Ecclesiastes
* Echo of Memnon
* Ecstasy
* Eidolon
* El Cantar Del Los Seres Libres
* The Eldritch Dark
* Elysian Landscape
* En Sourdine
* Enchanted Mirrors
* The End of Autumn
* Enigma
* Ennui (Thou)
* The Ennuye
* The Envoys
* Epitaph for An Astronomer
* Epitaph for the Earth
* Erato
* Eros of Ebony
* Estrangement
* The Eternal Snows
* Even in Slumber
* Evening Harmony
* Examination At Midnight
* The Exile
* Exorcism
* Exotic Memory
* Exotic Perfume (Parfum Exotique)
* Exotique
* A Fable
* Fairy-Lanterns
* Fallen Grape-Leaf
* The Fanes of Dawn
* Fantaisie D'antan
* Farewell to Eros
* The Faun
* Fawn-Lilies
* Feast of St. Anthony
* February
* Felo-de-se of the Parasite
* Fence And Wall
* Field Behind the Abatoir
* Finis
* Fire of Snow
* Flamingoes
* The Flight of Azrael
* Flight of the Yellow-Hammer
* Flora
* Foggy Night
* For An Antique Lyre
* For the Dance of Death
* Forgetfulness
* Forgotten Sorrow
* La Forteresse
* The Fountain of Blood
* A Fragment
* Fragment
* From Arcady
* The Fugitives
* The Funeral Urn
* Future Meeting
* Future Pastoral
* The Garden of Dreams
* Garden of Priapus
* Geese in the Spring Night
* The Ghost of theseus
* The Ghoul And the Seraph
* The Giantess
* Girl of Six
* Give Me Your Lips
* Goats And Manzanita-Boughs
* Gopher-Hole in Orchard
* Grammar-School Vixen
* Grecian Yesterday
* Growth of Lichen
* H.P.L.
* The Harbour of the Past
* The Harlot of the World
* Harmony
* Harvest Evening
* The Hashish Eater -or- the Apocalypse of Evil
* Haunting
* Hearth on Old Cabin-Site
* Heliogabalus
* Hellenic Sequel
* The Heron
* Hesperian Fall
* The Hidden Paradise
* High Mountain Juniper
* High Surf
* High Surf : Monterey Bay
* The Hill of Dionysus
* The Hill-Top
* The Hope of the infinite
* The Horizon
* The Horologe
* Humors of Love
* A Hunter Meets the Martichoras
* Hymn to Beauty
* The Ideal
* If Winter Remain
* Lo Ignoto
* Illumination
* Illusion
* Image
* Imagination
* Immortelle
* Impression
* Improbable Dream
* In Alexandria
* In Lemuria
* In November
* In Saturn
* In Slumber
* In the Desert
* In the Ultimate Valleys
* In the Wind
* In thessaly
* Incognita
* The Incubus of Time
* Indian Acorn-Mortar
* Indian Summer
* Ineffability
* Inferno
* The Infinite Quest
* Inheritance
* Interim
* Interrogation
* The Irremediable
* La Isla Del Naufrago
* The Isle of Saturn
* IX (Ariettes Oubliées)
* January Willow
* Jungle Twilight
* The Kingdom of Shadows
* The Knoll
* Lament for Vixeela
* Lament of the Stars
* Lamia
* L'Amour Supreme
* The Land of Evil Stars
* The Last Apricot
* The Last Goddess
* The Last Night
* The Last Oblivion
* Late November Evening
* Late Pear-Pruner
* Laus Mortis
* Lawn-Mower
* Lemurienne
* L'Espoir Du Néant
* Lethe (Cruel)
* Lethe (From)
* Lethe (I)
* Lichens
* The Limniad
* Lines on A Picture
* L'Irreparable
* A Live-Oak Leaf
* Loss
* Love And Death
* Love in Dreams
* Love Is Not Yours, Love Is Not Mine
* Love Malevolent
* The Love-Potion
* Luna Aeternalis
* Lunar Mystery
* The Mad Wind
* Madrigal
* A Madrigal
* Madrigal of Evanescence
* Madrigal of Memory
* Malediction
* La Mare
* Les Marées
* The Masque of Forsaken Gods
* Maya
* The Maze of Sleep
* The Meaning
* Medusa
* The Medusa of Despair
* The Medusa of the Skies
* A Meeting
* The Melancholy Pool
* Memnon At Midnight
* Memoria Roja
* Memorial
* The Messengers
* The Metamorphoses of the Vampire


* The Abominations of Yondo
* Across the Time-Stream (The Eternal World)
* An Adventure in Futurity
* The After-Men
* The Arm from the Fig-Tree
* Ascharia (Fragment)
* The Atmospheric Entity
* The Beast of Averoigne
* Between Two Worlds
* Beyond the Rose-Arbor
* The Black Abbot of Puthuum
* A Bottle On the Orinoco (Amazon)
* The Brahmin's Wisdom
* The Bronze Image
* The Burial-Place (Internment) of the Unknown
* The Cairn
* The Chain of Aforgomon
* The Charnel God
* Checkmate
* Chincharrero (Fragment)
* The City of the Singing Flame
* The Colossus of Ylourgne
* The Coming of the White Worm
* The Conquest of Mercury
* A Copy of Burns
* The Cosmic Sequel
* The Crabs of Iribos
* The Cypress (The Baobab)
* The Dark Age
* The Dark Eidolon
* The Dart of Rasasfa
* Dead Assassins
* The Death of Ilalotha
* The Death of Malygris
* The Demon From Alphard
* The Demon of the Flower
* The Destination of Gideon Balcoth
* The Devotee of Evil
* The Dimension of Chance
* The Disinterment of Venus
* Djinn without A Bottle
* The Dome in the Ice
* The Door to Saturn
* Double Cosmos
* The Double Dream
* The Double Shadow
* The Dweller in the Gulf
* The Eggs from Saturn (Fragment)
* The Elder Manor
* The Embassy to Tiirath
* The Emir's Captive
* The Empire of the Necromancers
* The Enchantress of Sylaire
* The End of the Story
* The Entity of the Sands
* The Epiphany of Death
* The Eternal World
* Eviction by Night (Fragment)
* An Excursion in Time
* The Expert Lover
* Fakhreddin
* The Feet of Sidaiva
* The Flirt
* The Flower-Women
* From A Lost World
* The Fulfilled Prophecy
* The Galley from Atlantis
* The Garden of Adompha
* The Gargoyle of Vyones
* Genius Loci
* The Ghost of Mohammed Din
* The Ghoul
* The Ghoul from Mercury
* A Gift from the Beloved
* The God of the Asteroid
* A Good Embalmer
* The Gorgon
* Gossip
* The Great God Awto
* The Haunted Chamber
* The Haunted Gong
* Hecate
* The Holiness of Azédarac
* The House of Haon-Dor (Fragment)
* The Hunters from Beyond
* The Hyperborean City
* I Am A Witch
* The Ice-Demon
* The Immeasurable Horror
* The Immortals of Mercury
* In A Hashish-Dream (Fragment)
* In the Book of Vergama
* The Infernal Star (Fragment)
* The Inverse Avatar
* The Invisible City
* The Invisible Devourer
* The Invisible Satellite
* The Isle of the Torturers
* The Justice of the Elephant
* The Kiss of Zoraida
* The Last Hieroglyph
* The Last Incantation
* The Letter from Mohaun Los
* The Light from Beyond
* The Light from the Pole
* The Lord of Lunacy
* The Lunar Brain
* The Lunar Path
* The Mahout
* The Maker of Gargoyles
* Maker of Prodigies
* The Malay Krise (also as "Malay Creese")
* Mandor's Enemy (Fragment)
* The Mandrakes
* Marooned in Andromeda
* The Master of Destruction (Fragment)
* Master of the Asteroid
* The Master of the Crabs
* The Maze of Maâl Dweb
* The Maze of the Enchanter
* The Mechanical Murder
* Men of the Macrocosm
* The Menace of the Dust
* The Metamorphosis of Earth
* The Minotaur's Brother
* A Misadventure of Don Juan
* Mnemoka (Fragment)
* The Monster of the Prophecy
* Monsters in the Night
* The Moon-Spectre
* The Moraine
* Morthylla
* Mother of Toads
* The Mummy-Case of Hammen-Tha
* Murder in the Fourth Dimension
* The Music of Death (Fragment)
* The Mysterious Poison
* The Nameless Offspring
* Necromancy in Naat
* The Necromantic Tale
* Nemesis of the Unfinished
* Neria
* A Night in Malnéant
* The Ninth Skeleton
* The Ocean-World of Alioth (Fragment)
* An Offering to the Moon
* Offspring of the Grave
* The Other Entity
* The Parrot
* The Perfect Woman
* The Phantoms of the Fire
* Phoenix
* The Pilgrim of Eternity
* The Planet of the Dead
* A Platonic Entanglement
* The Plutonian Drug
* The Point of the Jest (Fragment)
* Poseidon
* The Primal City
* Prince Alcouz and the Magician
* Prisoners of the Black Dimension
* The Protean People
* Queen of the Sabbat
* Quest of the Gazolba
* The Raja and the Tiger
* The Re-Union
* The Rebirth of the Flame
* A Rendezvous in Averoigne
* The Resurrection of the Rattlesnake
* The Return of the Sorcerer
* The River of Mystery
* The Root of Ampoi
* Sadastor
* The Satyr
* The Scarab
* Schizoid Creator
* The Second interment
* The Seed from the Sepulchre
* Seedling of Mars
* The Seven Geases
* The Shah's Messenger
* Shapes of Adamant (Fragment)
* Slaves of the Black Pillar (The Drug from Algol) (Fragment)
* A Sojourn in Mercury
* Something New
* The Tower of Istarelle
* The Spectral Tarn (The Lake)
* The Stairs in the Crypt
* A Star-Change
* I Am Your Shadow
* The Supernumerary Corpse
* The Sword of Zagan
* Symposium of the Gorgon
* A Tale of Gnydron
* The Tale of Satampra Zeiros
* The Tale of Sir John Maundeville
* The Testament of Athammaus
* The Theft of the Thirty-Nine Girdles
* The Thing from the Antarctic
* The Third Episode of Vathek
* Thirteen Phantasms
* Told in the desert
* The Tomb-Spawn
* The Transformation of Athanor
* The Treader of the Dust
* The Trilithon
* Ubbo-Sathla
* The Uncharted Isle
* Unquiet Boundary (Fragment)
* The Vapor from the Void
* The Vaults of Yoh-Vombis
* The Venus of Azombeii
* The Vestibule of the Past
* A Vintage from Atlantis
* Vizaphmal in Ophiuchus
* The Voyage of King Euvoran
* A Voyage to Sfanomoë
* Vulthoom
* The Weaver in the Vault
* The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan
* The Werewolf of Averoigne
* The White Sybil
* The Willow Landscape
* Wingless Phoenix (Fragment)
* The Witchcraft of Ulua
* The World-Maker
* Xeethra
* The Youngest Vampire

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