- Intelligent Community Forum
The Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) is a nonprofit think tank that focuses on job creation and economic development in the
broadband economy. The ICF's area of interest is the local community, both large and small, in the developing and developed economies of the world. ICF conducts research, creates conference content, publishes information and presents annual awards, all in an effort to:*Identify and explain the emergence of the broadband economy and its impact at the local level. This is the new global economy emerging from the deployment of broadband on the international, national and local levels around the world. The broadband economy challenges us all, whether we live in a thriving metropolitan area or a poor rural region. In the broadband economy, adaptability outweighs legacy; skills, not resources, are the key to future; and
innovation , not location, creates a competitive advantage.*Research and share best practices by communities in adapting to the changing economic environment and positioning their citizens and businesses to prosper. There is no "one best model" for economic development in the broadband economy. Each successful community develops strategies based on its unique history and challenges, and overcomes specific local obstacles to put programs into place. But successful strategies share many common elements, and communities can learn enormous amounts from each other's successes and failures, and by sharing with others, speed their own development as well.
*Celebrate the achievements of communities that have overcome challenges to claim a place in the economy of the 21st century. Communities around the world are making huge strides to overcome legacy challenges, develop strategies and put effective programs and policies into place. ICF celebrates leadership through an Awards program that searches the globe for the best models of each year and publicizes their achievements.
For ICF, a "community" is a town, village, city or metropolitan area - or occasionally a state, province or other larger region - that has a distinct identity and the ability to act in a unified manner as a single entity. Its citizens and businesses identify themselves with that community enough to set aside small-scale differences and cooperate for the good of the whole.
Since 1999, ICF has presented annual awards to the Intelligent Community, Intelligent Building, Intelligent Community Technology and Intelligent Community Visionary of the Year. Winners receive an award, a presentation photograph and assistance with promoting the award to their customers, constituents and stakeholders.
The Intelligent Community Awards are presented at ICF's annual Building the Broadband Economy conference in New York City, produced in association with Polytechnic University.
Intelligent Community of the Year
The Intelligent Community of the Year is selected in the final stage of a 10-month award process that begins with selection of the Smart 21 Communities in November of the prior year. Selection of the Intelligent Community of the Year is based on research by Montreal-based E&B Data, developer of innovative information products for decisionmakers in the institutional, corporate and financial sectors. institutional, corporate and financial sectors.
Intelligent Community of the Year Award Recipients
* 2007 - Waterloo,
Ontario ,Canada
* 2006 -Taipei ,Taiwan
* 2005 -Mitaka ,Japan
* 2004 -Glasgow ,Scotland ,United Kingdom
* 2002 -Calgary ,Alberta ,Canada &Seoul ,South Korea
* 2001 -New York City ,New York ,USA
* 2000 - LaGrange, Georgia, USA
* 1999 -Singapore Building, Technology and Visionary Awards
The honorees for the Intelligent Building, Intelligent Community Technology and Intelligent Community Visionary of the Year awards are selected by ICF based on nomination from developers, technology companies and experts in the field.
2006 Awards
*MaRS Centre,
Toronto ,Ontario ,Canada - Intelligent Building of the Year
*Communications Ministry of Afghanistan - Intelligent Community Visionary of the Year2005 Awards
Ebene Cyber Tower , Mauritius - Intelligent Building of the Year
*New Partnership for Africa's Development NEPAD - Intelligent Community Visionary of the Year2004 Award
*Hong Kong Cyberport, Hong Kong SAR, China - Intelligent Building of the Year
Building the Broadband Economy Conference - BBE
Produced in association with Polytechnic University and its Institute for Technology & Enterprise, Building the Broadband Economy is an international meeting place and idea exchange for local government officials and their private-sector partners in telecom, IT, finance, real estate and consulting.
It's a unique opportunity to learn from the world's most innovative communities how they have made the broadband economy work for them, sometimes against great odds. It offers a global perspective on the best ways to create broadband infrastructure, attract knowledge workers, foster innovation and implement e-government programs that contribute to economic growth and bridge the digital divide.
See also
*Ebene Cyber Tower
*Cyberport External links
* [http://english.taipei.gov.tw/TCG/index.jsp?recordid=8511/ Taipei City Government Website - 2006 Intelligent Community of the Year]
* [http://www.intelligentcommunity.org/ Intelligent Community Forum Home Page]
* [http://www.innerwireless.com/news/news_05132005.asp/ Innerwireless Article]
* [http://www.intelligentwaterloo.com/en/press_november142006.shtml/ Intelligent Waterloo Article]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.