(145453) 2005 RR43

(145453) 2005 RR43

Infobox Planet | discovery=yes | physical_characteristics=yes | bgcolour=#FFFFC0
name=mp|(145453) 2005 RR|43
discoverer=A. C. Becker, A. W. Puckett, J. Kubica
discovered=September 9, 2005
mp_name=mp|(145453) 2005 RR|43
semimajor=43.073 AU
perihelion=37.183 AU
aphelion=48.964 AU
dimensions= 697 km
albedo=0.09 (assumed)

mp|(145453) 2005 RR|43, also written as (145453) 2005 RR43, is a trans-Neptunian object (TNO). It was discovered by Andrew C. Becker, Andrew W. Puckett, and Jeremy Martin Kubica on September 9, 2005 at Apache Point Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico.


Based on their common pattern of IR water-ice absorption and a the clustering of their orbital elements, the KBOs mpl|(145453) 2005 RR|43, mp|1995 SM|55, mpl|(19308) 1996 TO|66, mpl|(55636) 2002 TX|300, and mpl|(120178) 2003 OP|32 appear to be collisional fragments broken off the dwarf planet dp|Haumea.


The surface is covered by water ice as attested by deep absorption at 1.5 and 2 μm in the infrared spectrum and neutral (i.e. non-red) colour. Scattering models revealthat the observed water ice is, at least in a significant fraction, crystalline and organics, detected on the surface of many TNO, are completely absent.N. Pinilla-Alonso, J. Licandro, R. Gil-Hutton and R. Brunetto "The water ice rich surface of (145453) 2005 RR43: a case for a carbon-depleted population of TNOs?", A&A 468, L25-L28 (2007) [http://www.aanda.org/index.php?option=article&access=standard&Itemid=129&url=/articles/aa/full/2007/22/aa7294-07/aa7294-07.html] ] These physical and orbit characteristics common with mp|(136108) 2003 EL|61 led to suggestion that mp|2005 RR|43 is a member of the Haumea collisional family. The object, together with other members of the family (mpl|(19308) 1996 TO|66, mpl|(24835) 1995 SM|55, mpl|(55636) 2002 TX|300, and mpl|(120178) 2003 OP|32), would be created from ice mantle ejected from the proto-EL61 as result of a collision with another large (~1660 km) body.cite journal |author=Michael E. Brown, Kristina M. Barkume; Darin Ragozzine; Emily L. Schaller |year=2007 |month= |title=A collisional family of icy objects in the Kuiper belt |journal=Nature |volume=446 |issue=7133 |pages=294–296 |doi=10.1038/nature05619 |url= |accessdate= |quote= ]


External links

* Minor Planet Center [http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/lists/TNOs.html List of TNO]

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