Mike Wendland

Mike Wendland

Mike Wendland is a technology reporter for the Detroit Free Press. He also has published several books on the internet, appears frequently on Detroit radio stations and has features distributed to NBC affiliates.

Wendland was born in Bay City, Michigan and has worked for The Bay City Times, Detroit News and Detroit Free Press, as well as various radio stations and WDIV-TV in Detroit. Since 1994, he has done a weekly technology report for many NBC affiliates across the country.

He was one of the first mainstream journalists to embrace the Internet as a tool in newsgathering and a powerful medium in its own capable of competing with and besting traditional "old media" like newspapers, magazines and broadcast outlets.

In 2000, he wrote "The Wired Journalist," a newsroom guide to the Internet for the Radio and Television News Directors Association.

Wendland has been a fellow at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida, where he has been a frequent guest faculty member specializing in the Internet and broadcast journalism.

Wendland is also a well known Bible teacher and a pastor at Woodside Bible Church in Troy, Michigan.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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