- Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam
The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement for the Propagation of Islam, "Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat-i-Islam" ( _ur. أحمدية أنجومان اشاعات الاسلام) (not to be confused with the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community ), formed as a result of ideological differences [ [http://www.ahmadiyya.org/bookspdf/split/conts.htm "Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement"] , byMaulana Muhammad Ali , 1918] within the Ahmadiyya Community, after the demise of Maulana HakimNoor-ud-Din in 1914, the first Khalifa after its founder,Mirza Ghulam Ahmad .History
The Split
The dispute was based on differing interpretations of a verse (33:40) in the
Qur'an related to the finality of prophethood. Other issues of contention were theKalima , funeral prayers, and the suitability of the electedKhalifa (2nd successor)Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad (the son of the Founder). The "Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat-i-Islam" is led by a President orEmir .The "Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement" believes Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be the
Mujaddid (reformer) of the 14th century Hijra and not a true prophet. They assert that he intended his use of the terms “Nabi ” and “Rasool ” to be metaphorical, when referring to himself. [ [http://www.aaiil.org/text/acus/mga/mirzaghulamahmadnotprophet.shtml "Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib of Qadian never claimed prophethood (in the light of his own writings)"] , Accusations Answered, The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement] Members of the movement are often referred to colloquially as "Lahori Ahmadis".Many
Muslim s do not consider members of the "Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement" to be Muslims and some group them with together with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and refer to them by the term "Qadiani" and refer to their belief as "Qadianism ", a term rejected by Ahmadi-Muslims as derogatory. [ [http://www.inter-islam.org/faith/Qadianism.html "Lies and the Liar who told them!"] , Inter-Islam] Members of the "Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement" however like to refer to themselves as Lahori Ahmadi Muslims and consider themselves completely separate from Qadiani Ahmadis.As the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement’s view regarding Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s status and the concept of finality of prophethood of
Muhammad is closer to traditional Islamic thought, the Literature published by the Movement has found greater acceptability among the Muslim Intelligentsia [ [http://www.muslim.org/books/azhar-cert.htm Al-Azhar endorses publications by Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement] AAIIL, USA] [ [http://www.muslim.org/books/list.htm Marmaduke Pickthall's (famous British Muslim and a translator of the Quran into English) comments on Lahore Ahmadiyya Literature] AAIIL, USA] and some orthodox Islamic Scholars consider the Lahore Ahmadiyya as Muslims. [ [http://www.aaiil.info/misconceptions/tributesaaiil/mma.htm Tributes to Maulana Muhammad Ali and The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement] AAIIL Website]Europe
;Great BritainIn 1913 a mission station was established in
Woking (near London) and theShah Jahan Mosque was maintained by the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement until the 1960s.TheQur'an was translated into English byMaulana Muhammad Ali .;GermanyThe Berlin Mosque was built in 1924/28.
;NetherlandsSmall communities in the
Netherlands are located inAmsterdam ,The Hague ,Rotterdam and Utrecht. [ [http://www.aaiil.org/text/cntct/contact.shtml World Wide Branches of Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement] ]The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement's position
The main differing belief that led to the formation of the "Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement" as a distinct and separate group from the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is that the Lahore Ahmadiyya believe Muhammad to be the last of the prophets, and that after him no prophet can appear, neither a past one like Jesus, nor a new one. [ [http://aaiil.info/misconceptions/khatam/khatam.htm "The Issue of Khatam-un-Nabiyyin"] , The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement] They believe that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is referred to as a Prophet in the metaphorical sense only (as other Muslims saints have been referred to as well), and not in the real and technical meaning of the word as used in Islamic terminology. ["The Use of the Terms Nabi & Rasul For Non-prophets", The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement, [http://aaiil.info/misconceptions/nabirasul/nabirasul.htm] ] In contrast, theAhmadiyya Muslim Community hold that Muhammad was the last law-bearing prophets and new non-law bearing prophets can come after him. [ [http://www.alislam.org/library/books/promisedmessiah/index.htm?page=37 "The Question of Finality of Prophethood"] , The Promised Messiah and Mahdi by Dr. Aziz Ahmad Chaudhry, Islam International Publications Limited] They hold Mirza Ghulam Ahmad to be a Prophet (with all the qualities of a prophet like Jesus) but subordinate and deputy to the Prophet Muhammad. ["A World Reformer", The Promised Mehdi and Messiha, by Dr. Aziz Ahmad Chaudhry, Islam International Publications Limited, [http://www.alislam.org/library/books/promisedmessiah/index.htm?page=11] ]Another differing issue between the two communities is regarding the status of Muslims who have not accepted Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claims. The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement believes that any person who professes the Kalima
Shahadah is a Muslim, and cannot be called aKafir (Non-Muslim) by anyone, [ [http://aaiil.info/misconceptions/muslim/whois.htm "Who is a Muslim?"] , The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement] regardless of whether he/she believes in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad’s claims or not. [ [http://www.ahmadiyya.org/qadis/takfir2.htm "Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad regarded other Muslims as Muslims"] ] In contrast the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that any Muslim who has not accepted Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's claim is aKafir , even if the person has not even heard the name of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. [“…the belief that all those so called Muslims who have not entered into his (Promised Messiah’s) bai’at formally, wherever they may be, are kafirs and outside the pale of Islam…” (Mirza Mahmud Ahmad, The Truth about the Split, Rabwah 1965, pages 55-56. 1st published 1924, English translation of Ai’nah-e-Sadaqt)]Leaders of the Community
Maulana Muhammad Ali (1874 -13 October 1951 ), (Emir 1914 - 1951)
*Maulana Sadr-ud-Din (c. 1880 -15 November 1981 ), (Emir 1951 - 1981)
*Dr. Saeed Ahmad Khan (1900 -15 November 1996 ), (Emir 1981 - 1996)
*Dr. Asghar Hameed (1919 -14 October 2002 ), (Emir 1996 - 2002)
*Dr. Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha (Current Emir)References
See also
*Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
*Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
*Islam External links
Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement
* [http://www.muslim.org/ Lahore Ahmadiyya Islamic Society]
* [http://www.ahmadiyya.org/ The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam]
* [http://www.aaiil.org/ Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha'at-e-Islam Lahore]
* [http://www.aaiil.info/ The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement]
* [http://www.ahmadiyya.org/qadis/contents.htm In refutation of 'Qadiani' beliefs]
* [http://aaiil.org/text/books/others/naseerahmadfaruqui/ahmadiyyatqadianiyyat/ahmadiyyatqadianiyyat.shtml Differences between the two Ahmadi sects]
* [http://www.ahmadiyya.org/bookspdf/split/conts.htm Split in the Ahmadiyya Movement by Maulana Muhammad Ali]
* [http://www.ahmadiyya.org/bookspdf/thewill/conts.htm 'The Will' by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad with comments by Maulana Muhammad Ali]Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
* [http://www.alislam.org/library/books/thewill/view.php?page=1 'The Will', the basis of the dispute]
* [http://www.alislam.org/library/links/00000063.html Ahmadiyya view of Khalifat]
* [http://www.alislam.org/library/links/00000003.html Khalifa's in The Quran]
* [http://www.alislam.org/library/split/index.html The Truth about the Split by Al-Musleh Maud, Khalifatul-Massih the Second]
* [http://www.alislam.org/library/books/truth_prevails/index.html Truth Prevails by Qazi Muhammad Nazir, a book written in response to the arguments set forth by the Lahori Ahmadiyya Section in their book]
* [http://www.alislam.org/urdu/nwk/view.php?page=1 Urdu Book: Prophet hood and Khilafat and Lahori Movement]
* [http://www.alislam.org/library/history/ahmadiyya/index.html History of Ahmadiyyat]Anti-Ahmadiyya External links
;Comprehensive sites with works
* [http://www.irshad.org/qadianism.php What is Qadianism?] - "Idara Dawat-O-Irshad, USA"
* [http://alhafeez.org/rashid Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam] - "Alhafeez.org"
* [http://www.khatm-e-nubuwwat.org Qadiyaniat] - "khatm-e-Nubuwwat.org, (with" [http://www.khatm-e-nubuwwat.org/bookpdf/book.htm "100 books in Urdu")];Resources on other sites
* [http://www.nadwatululama.org/academy/qad.htm Qadianism, a Critical Study] - "Nadwatul Ulama, India"
* [http://www.islamawareness.net/Deviant/Qadiyani/ Qadiyani's] - "Islamawareness.net"
* [http://www.alinaam.addr.com/library/mirzat.htm In reply to Mirza Tahir by Muhammad Yusuf Ludhianwi] - "Madrasah In'aamiyyah, South Africa";Articles
* [http://groups.google.com.pk/group/Discussion-on-Death-of-Jesus-Christ-at-Zakir-Naik-forum/browse_thread/thread/db7454bc52ef07ba/ec4ddd8a5f5e2767?hl=en#ec4ddd8a5f5e2767 Discussion on the topic of death of Jesus Christ at Zakir Naik forum] - "Zakir Naik on Google Groups"
* [http://alhafeez.org/rashid/yusuf_smith.html The Qadiani Sect by Yusuf Smith - A Muslim convert's Point of View] - "Alhafeez.org"
* [http://www.iiie.net/Brochures/Brochure-27.html Qadiyanism: A Brief Survey] - "The Institute of Islamic Information and Education, USA"
* [http://www.servantsofallah.org/ahmadism.htm Allama Iqbal on Ahmadism] - "ServantsofAllah.org"
* [http://islamicweb.com/beliefs/cults/qadiani_claims.htm Mirza Qadiani's Anti-Islamic Claims by Dr. Syed Rashid Ali] - "Islamicweb"
* [http://www.youngmuslims.ca/online_library/books/finality_of_prophethood/index.htm Finality of Prophethood by Abul A'la Maududi] - "youngmuslims.com"
* [http://www.darul-ishaat.co.uk Darul Ishaat Online Islamic store]
* [http://www.invitation2truth.com/ Invitation To the Truth]
* [http://www.invitation2truth.com/blog Islamic Information]
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