Jim Sendelbach

Jim Sendelbach

Jim Sendelbach was a candidate for the United States Congress in Georgia's 10th congressional district special election, 2007 on the Libertarian Party ticket. Sendelbach finished 7th of nine candidates with 710 votes for 1.31% of the total. He had previously run for State Senate, but had been unable to run for the U.S. House or Senate because of seemingly restrictive registration requirements for third-party candidates in such races. Because of the death of Rep. Charlie Norwood, Sendebach was able to run as the first Libertarian candidate for U.S. Congress in Georgia.Since this was a nonpartisan special election, all candidates for the election were (regardless of party affiliation) listed alphabetically, though their party affiliations are noted on the ballot.cite press release|url=http://www.sos.state.ga.us/pressrel/20070426.htm|title= Secretary Handel Closes Qualifying for 10th Congressional District Special Election|date=April 26, 2007|publisher=Georgia Secretary of State|accessdate=2007-04-26] According to Georgia law, to win outright, a candidate needed a majority vote; since no candidate won more than 50% of the vote, the top two finishers competed in a runoff election on July 17 2007.

Sendelbach holds a doctorate degree in counseling psychology, a master's degree in theology, and a bachelor's degree in philosophy. He is a licensed professional counselor and certified forensic addictions examiner. He is presently co-owner and principal therapist at Anchor Point Neurofeedback and Counseling Center in Conyers. He is also a Vietnam veteran.


External links

* [http://www.sendsendelbach.com Campaign Website]

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