

Iduvoi is a village near Tirupur in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Iduvoi is 9 km from Tirupur and 12 km from palladam. The total population of this village is about 4000-5000. There are about 900-1000 families. The male to female ratio is 51:49. The literacy rate is 68.2%. The main occupation is Weaving and Farming, now a Majority of the people earn a living by going to Tirupur for working. The main occupation weaving is in decline in the village. Iduvoi has 2 Government schools and 2 Matirculation schoos.
°Govt High School, Iduvoi.
°Govt Elementary School, Iduvoi. Kamachiamman Matriculation school Wistom Matriculation Hr sec school.

There is a post office in this village.

The most eminent person of this village was Mr. K.Rathinasamy, the Ex-President of this village. A lot of development in this village goes in his credit. Now the president of this village is Mrs. Poongudi. she took many part of develpment in this village.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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