Lemuel Whitman — (* 8. Juni 1780 in Farmington, Connecticut; † 13. November 1841 ebenda) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1823 und 1825 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Connecticut im US Repräsentantenhaus. Werdegang Nach der Grundschule besuchte… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Whitman — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Brian Whitman, US amerikanischer Moderator und Comedian Charles Whitman (1941–1966), US amerikanischer Amokläufer Charles Otis Whitman (1842–1910), US amerikanischer Zoologe Charles S. Whitman (1868–1947) … Deutsch Wikipedia
United States House of Representatives elections, 1824 — The elections for the United States House of Representatives in 1824 coincided with the contentious presidential election of that year. There were 213 seats in the House up for election, and those elected served in the 19th United States Congress … Wikipedia
William T. G. Morton — Infobox Scientist name = William Thomas Green Morton box width = image width =150px caption = birth date = August 9, 1819 birth place = Charlton, Massachusetts death date = July 15, 1868 death place = New York City spouse = Elizabeth Whitman… … Wikipedia
18th United States Congress - State Delegations — [ United States Capitol] The Eighteenth United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, consisting of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in… … Wikipedia
18th United States Congress - political parties — [ United States Capitol] The Eighteenth United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in… … Wikipedia
John Baldwin (Politiker) — John Baldwin (* 5. April 1772 in Mansfield, Connecticut; † 27. März 1850 in Windham, Connecticut) war ein US amerikanischer Politiker. Zwischen 1825 und 1829 vertrat er den Bundesstaat Connecticut im US Repräsentantenhaus. Werdegang John… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Litchfield Law School — Infobox nrhp | name = Tapping Reeve House and Law School nrhp type = nhl caption = location= South Street, Litchfield, Connecticut lat degrees = 41 lat minutes = 44 lat seconds = 37.86 lat direction = N long degrees = 73 long minutes = 11 long… … Wikipedia
Connecticut's At-large congressional district — During the first twenty four Congresses (March 4, 1789 until March 3, 1837) Connecticut elected all its Representatives in Congress from a single multi member Connecticut At large congressional district. From 1789 1793 Connecticut elected 5 At… … Wikipedia
Liste der Mitglieder des US-Repräsentantenhauses aus Connecticut — John Larson, derzeitiger Vertreter des ersten Kongresswahlbezirks von Connecticut … Deutsch Wikipedia