Antonio Manetti — (1423 1497) was an Italian mathematician and architect from Florence. He is particularly noted for his investigations into the site, shape and size of Dante s Inferno . Although Manetti never himself published his research regarding the topic,… … Wikipedia
Historia de la cirugía — Extracción de la piedra de la locura, de Hieronymus Bosch. La cirugía (del griego … Wikipedia Español
History of pathology — The spinout/title|history of pathology can be traced to the earliest application of the scientific method to the field of medicine, a development which occurred in the Middle East during the Islamic Golden Age and in Western Europe during the… … Wikipedia
The Gentleman Usher — is an early seventeenth century stage play, a comedy written by George Chapman that was first published in 1606. It is noted as the only play in which Chapman takes a positive view of women.Date and publication The Gentleman Usher was entered… … Wikipedia
Historia de la medicina — La historia de la medicina es la rama de la historia dedicada al estudio de los conocimientos y prácticas médicas a lo largo del tiempo. Desde sus orígenes, el ser humano ha tratado de explicarse la realidad y los acontecimientos trascendentales… … Wikipedia Español
autopsy — autopsist, n. /aw top see, aw teuhp /, n., pl. autopsies, v., autopsied, autopsying. n. 1. inspection and dissection of a body after death, as for determination of the cause of death; postmortem examination. 2. an analysis of something after it… … Universalium
Herzpolyp — (lat. Polypus cordis) war in früheren Zeiten die Bezeichnung für einen Herzthrombus, der sich nach dem Tod durch die Leichenblutgerinnung im Herzen bildet und von den früheren Anatomen als krankhafte Erscheinung verstanden wurde. Beschrieben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Italian literature — is literature written in the Italian language, particularly within Italy. It may also refer to literature written by Italians or in Italy in other languages spoken in Italy, often languages that are closely related to modern Italian. Early… … Wikipedia
Literatura de Italia — La literatura en italiano es toda aquella literatura que se haya escrito en el idioma italiano. La configuración política de Italia y su unificación como estado único fue en el siglo XIX, momento en el cual se adopta el dialecto toscano como… … Wikipedia Español
Söhne und Töchter von Florenz — Söhne und Töchter der Stadt Florenz: A Alessandro Allori, italienischer Maler Cristofano Allori, italienischer Maler Dante Alighieri, italienischer Dichter und Philosoph Donato Acciaiuoli, ab 1473 Gonfaloniere von Florenz Gasparo Angiolini,… … Deutsch Wikipedia