- Grotesque body
__NOTOC__The grotesque body is a concept, or
literary trope , put forward by Russianliterary critic Mikhail Bakhtin in his study ofFrancois Rabelais ' work. Through the use of the grotesque body in his novels, Rabelais related political conflicts to humanphysiology . In this way, Rabelais used the concept as "a figure of unruly biological and social exchange". [ cite web |title=Perforations: Grotesque Corpus |url=http://www.pd.org/topos/perforations/perf3/grotesque_corpus.html |accessdate=2008-05-27 ]It is by means of this information that Bakhtin pinpoints two important subtexts: the first is "carnival" (
carnivalesque ) which Bakhtin describes as a socialinstitution , and the second is "grotesque realism" (grotesque body) which is defined as a literary mode. Thus, in "Rabelais and His World" Bakhtin studies the interaction between the social and the literary, as well as the meaning of the body. [Clark, Katerina and Michael Holquist 297-299, "Mikhail Bakhtin". Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984.] .Italian satirist
Daniele Luttazzi explained: "satire exhibits the grotesque body, which is dominated by the primary needs (eating, drinking, defecating, urinating, sex) to celebrate the victory of life: the social and thecorporeal are joyfully joint in something indivisible, universal and beneficial". [ cite web |title=Se Dio avesse voluto che credessimo in lui, sarebbe esistito (in Italian) |url= http://www.danieleluttazzi.it/?q=node/276|accessdate=2008-05-27 ]Bakhtin explained how the grotesque body is a celebration of the cycle of life: the grotesque body is a comic figure of profound ambivalence: its positive meaning is linked to birth and renewal and its negative meaning is linked to death and decay. [ cite web |title=Brazen Brides Grotesque Daughters Treacherous Mothers by Felicity Collins (Bakhtin, 308-317)|url=http://www.sensesofcinema.com/contents/02/23/women_funny_oz.html |accessdate=2008-05-28 ] In Rabelais' epoch (1500-1800) "it was appropriate to ridicule the
king andclergy , to usedung andurine todegrade ; this was not to justmock , it was to unleash what Bakhtin saw as the people’s power, to renew and regenerate the entiresocial system . It was the power of the people’s restive-carnival, a way to turn the official spectacle inside-out and upside down, just for a while; long enough to make an impression on the participating official stratum. With the advent of modernity (science, technology,industrial revolution ), the mechanistic overtook the organic, and the officialdom no longer came to join in festive-carnival. The bodily lower stratum of humor dualized from the upper stratum." [cite journal | last = Boje | first = David M. [http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/pages/toolbar2.html] | year = 2004| month = March | title = Grotesque Method | journal = Proceedings of First International Co-sponsored Conference, Research methods Division, Academy of Management: Crossing Frontiers in Quantitative and Qualitative Research methods. | volume = 2 | pages = 1085–1114 | url = http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Lyon%20proceedings%20Boje%202994%20Grotesque%20Method%20.pdf ]ee also
Raven Tales
*The History of Sexuality byMichel Foucault
*Gilles Deleuze
*Ribaldry ,scatology ,toilet humour ,vulgarism
*Profanity ,obscenity ,decency , taste,aesthetic relativism
*Commedia dell'arte ,Burlesque ,Vaudeville
*Plautus 'Amphitruo
*Trickster References
*Clark, Katerina, and Michael Holquist. "Mikhail Bakhtin". Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984.
*Bakhtin, Mikhail. "Rabelais and His World" [1941] . Trans. Hélène Iswolsky. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.
*The series in the original French is entitled "La Vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel". Available English translations include "The Complete Works of François Rabelais" byDonald M. Frame and "Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and Pantagruel", translated by SirThomas Urquhart andPierre Antoine Motteux .
*"Se Dio avesse voluto che credessimo in lui, sarebbe esistito".Daniele Luttazzi , 15 november 2006 [http://www.danieleluttazzi.it/?q=node/276]
*cite journal | last = Miller | first = Paul Allen [http://www.cas.sc.edu/dllc/Classics/Faculty/facdocs/miller.html] | year = 1998 | month = Fall | title = The Bodily Grotesque in Roman Satire: Images of Sterility | journal = Arethusa | volume = 31 | issue = 3 | pages = 257–283 | url = http://muse.jhu.edu/login?uri=/journals/arethusa/v031/31.3miller.html | doi = 10.1353/are.1998.0017 [http://www.coh.arizona.edu/classics/faculty/Christenson/DCAmph.html]
*cite journal | last = Christenson| first = David [http://www.coh.arizona.edu/classics/faculty/Christenson/christenson.html] | year = 2001| month = Feb. - Mar.| title = Grotesque Realism in Plautus' "Amphitruo" | journal = The Classical Journal | volume = 96 | issue = 3 | pages = 243–260 | url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0009-8353(200102%2F03)96%3A3%3C243%3AGRIP%22%3E2.0.CO%3B2-U
*cite journal | last = Boje | first = David M. [http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/pages/toolbar2.html] | year = 2004| month = March | title = Grotesque Method | journal = Proceedings of First International Co-sponsored Conference, Research methods Division, Academy of Management: Crossing Frontiers in Quantitative and Qualitative Research methods. | volume = 2 | pages = 1085–1114 | url = http://peaceaware.com/McD/papers/Lyon%20proceedings%20Boje%202994%20Grotesque%20Method%20.pdf
*cite journal | last = Koepping| first = Klaus-Peter [http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/pages/toolbar2.html] | year = 1985| month = Feb| title = Absurdity and Hidden Truth: Cunning Intelligence and Grotesque Body Images as Manifestations of the Trickster | journal = History of Religions | volume = 24 | issue=3 | pages = 191–214 | url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0018-2710(198502)24%3A3%3C191%3AAAHTCI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-C| doi = 10.1086/462997
*"Fecal Matters in Early Modern Literature and Art: Studies in Scatology". J Persels, R Ganim - 2004 [http://books.google.it/books?vid=ISBN0754641163&id=0GKUQ-5o3qkC] p. xivExternal links
* [http://www.pd.org/topos/perforations/perf3/grotesque_corpus.html The Grotesque Corpus]
* [http://www.thegreenfuse.org/embodiment/papers/resistance.htm The Open and Closed Body]
* [http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/~cklestinec/Teaching/LCC3218.Bakhtin.html Carnival, Carnivalesque and the Grotesque Body] Notes from Sue Vice, Introducing Bakhtin (Manchester University Press, 1997), ch. 4.
* [http://www.sensesofcinema.com/contents/02/23/women_funny_oz.html Grotesque Daughters]
* [http://content.cdlib.org/xtf/view?docId=ft596nb3q0&brand=eschol Rabelais's Carnival]
* [http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=it&lr=&safe=active&q=cache:IreXkAktDVAJ:www-personal.umich.edu/~drossz/astrpapers/rog-paper.pdf+%22grotesque+realism%22 Wounding Tastes Through Wounded Bodies]
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