

L'eggs is a brand of women's pantyhose which created a marketing sensation in the 1970s by placing its product in white plastic chicken egg-shaped containers egg (albeit much larger) and garnering shelf space in grocery stores. Parent company HanesBrands Inc. has ceased packaging the hosiery in the hard plastic shells. Notwithstanding the secondary uses for the eggs by crafters, artists, and hobbyists, the plastic eggs were seen as an example of wastefulness. [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9D0CE7D81338F933A25754C0A967958260]

The L'eggs naming, package and logo were created by designer Roger Ferriter, working in the design studio of Herb Lubalin Associates in New York City in 1969. On the morning of the scheduled presentation to the Hanes Corporation of the marketing and packaging ideas for the new low cost pantyhose launch, Ferriter was not satisfied that the work was sufficiently creative. In an effort to revisit the name and packaging one last time, he attempted to "experience" the product in some new way, hoping that the exercise would suggest a new creative direction for the branding. Among his efforts, he attempted to compress a pair of pantyhose in his fist, wondering how compact the product could become. Staring at his clenched fist with the pantyhose inside he was struck with the possibility that the package could be an egg. Just as quickly, he realized that egg rhymes with leg, and then adding the popular mid century marketing boost of giving a product name some French sounding twist, he incorporated the l' (french for "the" when followed by a vowel such as the "e" of eggs) and arrived at L'eggs. Some quick sketches were prepared in time for the presentation, including a logo that incorporated two egg-influenced letter "g"s and thus was born one of the most successful product launches in history.

In an apparent effort to poo-poo the success of the clever L'eggs branding, a second low cost pantyhose brand called "No Nonsense" was launched in 1973 by Kayser-Roth Corporation.

External links

* [http://www.hanesbrands.com/hbi/en-us/OurBrands/Leggs.htm L'eggs brand at Hanesbrands.com]
* [http://www.leggs.com/ L'Eggs]

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