APSE standing for Ada Programming Support Environment is a program or set of programs to support
software development in the Ada programming language.This represented the second stage of the U.S. military Ada project; once the language was implemented, it was felt necessary to specify and implement a standard set of tools, hence the APSE.
CAIS-A, Common APSE Interface Set A, was defined in MIL STD-1838A.
External links
*cite conference
author = Richard E. Fairley
title = Ada debugging and testing support environments
booktitle = Proceedings of the ACM-SIGPLAN symposium on The ADA programming language
pages = 16–25
year = 1980
publisher = ACM
isbn = 0-89791-030-3
doi = 10.1145/800004.807931
url = http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=800004.807931
* [http://www.sigada.org/wg/ENVWG/IRAChtml/IRAC.html International Requirements and Design Criteria for the Portable Common Interface Set] (1992-05-01)
* [http://stinet.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA184488 DoD Requirements and Design Criteria for the Common APSE Interface Set (CAIS)] (July 1987)
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