Tiziano Fratus

Tiziano Fratus

Tiziano Fratus (born in Bergamo in 1975) is a poet and critic.

He wrote the poetic and dramatic cycle "The Molossus" (2000-2005) composed by the monologue in verse "autumn for eleni", the collection of poems "lumina", the long dramatic poem "the inquisition", the prison poem "the cry", the collection "shipwreck at times of colonies". "Autumn for eleni" (2002) was staged in Turin Velan Center and Arezzo Wave. "The Molossus" is published in 2007 as a long modern poem divided into 52 bocche or mouthes. Fratus directed the videopoems "into the man" (2004) presented in Genoa International Poetry Festival, in Rome Contemporary Art Museum (Macro), catalogated in Scottish Poetry Library in Edimburg and in Poets House in New York, and "the slogger" (2005) presented in Parco Poesia in Riccione and Ars Poetica in Bratislava. He won the XII Poetry Biennal in Alessandria. He worked with the theatre company OzooNo for the show "V", part of the 2005/2006 season at Turin’s Teatro Stabile. "A inquisiçao" is translated into Portuguese and presented at Casa Fernando Pessoa, Lisbon; in French and presented in Paris. His poetry is translated, published and/or performed in English, French, Portuguese, Slovak, Polish and Japanese. He edited essays on contemporary Italian theatre and drama, conversations. He freelanced for Outis – National Centre for Contemporary Drama in Milan and made lecture tours throughout Europe. He lived in different cities as Turin, Venice and Milan directing the observatory ManifatturAE; he directs the contemporary season Dissection in Teatro Fondamenta Nuove (Venice) and the Festival Torino Poesia (Turin). In 2006 He publishes the short poetry collection "torsion" presented at Turin Gay Pride 2006 and the long collection "i kiss your scars". On march 2008 he publishes a new collection of poems, "Flesh Gospel" that he will present all around Italy (Turin, Milan, Genoa, Venice, Rome, XXI Turin International Bookfier) and in Europe; in the meanwhile translations of his poems will be published on french magazines Les Citadelles and Action Poetique, on polish literature review Studium, on portuguese mag DiVersos, in Hong Kong' mag Softblow. Fratus's working on a new collection of poems, "Mishima's Angel". On autumn 2008 swisserland publisher Edizioni Le Ricerche will publish the bilingual anthology Italian/french "Poésies murmurées sur la berge du Pô. Six poètes de Turin Poésie", the independent American publisher Farfalla Press will publish Fratus's poem "A Room in Jerusalem".



"lumina" collection (2003) [http://www.editoriaespettacolo.it/pub_semi.htm]

"l'inquisizione" long poem (2004) [http://www.editoriaespettacolo.it/pub_semi.htm]

"a inquisiçao" long poem (2004) [http://www.artistasunidos.pt]

"il molosso" anthology (2005) / long poem (2007) [http://www.manifatturae.it/ilmolosso.htm]

"la torsione" collection (2006) [http://www.torinopoesia.org/]

"bacio le tue cicatrici" collection (2006) [http://www.manifatturae.it/bacioletuecicatrici.htm]

"Il Vangelo della Carne" collection (2008) [http://www.torinopoesia.org/ilvangelodellacarne.htm]

Theatre and Drama

"Lo spazio aperto" conversations (2002) [http://www.editoriaespettacolo.it/pub_visioni.htm]

"L'architettura dei fari" essay (2003) [http://www.atelierpoesia.it/page.asp?pagina=quaderni]

"Os teatros que vem de Italia" anthology (2004) [http://www.artistasunidos.pt/revista_artistas.htm]

"Salmagundi by Marco Martinelli" play (2004) [http://www.editoriaespettacolo.it/pub_percorsi.htm]

"Studi per esseri umani. Il teatro di Peter Asmussen" plays anthology (2005) [http://www.editoriaespettacolo.it/pub_percorsi.htm]

"Teatro di Stefano Angelucci Marino" plays anthology (2006) [http://www.editoriaespettacolo.it/pub_percorsi.htm]

External links
* [http://www.manifatturae.it/]
* [http://www.editoriaespettacolo.it/]
* [http://www.outis.it/]
* [http://www.dramma.it/]
* [http://www.artistasunidos.pt/]
* [http://www.pozzani.org/]
* [http://www.fieralibro.it/]
* [http://www.arspoetica.sk/]
* [http://www.torinopoesia.org/]
* [http://www.pedrolibri.it/]
* [http://www.teatrofondamentanuove.it/]
* [http://www.arcoliv.org/]
* [http://www.nazioneindiana.com/]
* [http://www.parcopoesia.it/]

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