Shinichirō Kurei

Shinichirō Kurei

Infobox animanga character
name = Shinichirō Kurei
series = Tenjho Tenge

caption = Shinichirō Kurei in the manga.
first = Volume 9, Page 139
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creator =Oh! great
voiced by =
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class = 3rd year student of Todo Academy
occupation =
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nihongo |Shinichirō Kurei|暮井 新一郎|Kurei Shin'ichirō is a character in the manga series Tenjho Tenge. He is the vice-captain of the Juken Club.

Character Outline

Shinichirō Kurei is the vice captain of the Juken Club and a third year student at Todo Academy. Shinichirō is a very respectful and knowledgeable individual, possibly the most intelligent member of the Juken Club. Despite being a third year student, he is very short. He has an odd shaped head and oval eyes; combined with the strange sounds he makes when sucking on his juice box many confuse him with an extraterrestrial at first. He is very knowledgeable and skillful in regards to technology. Despite his respectful nature, it seems he has a perverted side and has been known to take video of the female members changing clothes.

Techniques & Abilities

Shinichirō's fighting skills (if any) are unknown, he seems to be more the team strategist than a fighter. He does however know some kind of martial art as he trains with the group. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 16 tankōbon (Chapter 98, Page 133-134). ]


;Solar Fist Technique:A mock of "Dragon Ball"'s solar flare technique; in actuality he just turns on the high beams of a car and stands in front of it. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 10 tankōbon (Chapter 61, Page 131). ] The purpose of the "technique" is to blind and distract.



Shinichirō was never animated as the anime and OVA's didn't get that far into the storyline. He appears solely in the manga appearing when Souichiro Nagi gets out of the hospital after his fight with Tessen Ishiyumi.

F arc

He arrives just as Maya Natsume is yelling at Bob Makihara for taking his injury lightly, and comments many groups has been lost in the crowd after suffering an injury. Bob confuses Shinichirō with an alien, as does Souichiro; trying to capture and videotape him. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 9 tankōbon (Chapter 56, Page 142). ] He introduces himself as the vice-captain of the Juken Club, Maya even points out Aya had told them the other day the club had seven members. Bob and Souichiro notice there are only 6, wondering who the seventh member is. Maya refers to the seventh member as worthless, thus she didn't take the time to introduce him. Souichiro and Bob insist with most of the group members injured he could still be useful. Shinichirō offer to take them to meet the inactive member, but points out it's likely a waste of time.

Shinichirō takes the two to meet Kagesada Sugano, but he is usually referred to by his nickname (asshat in the manga, scum in the anime). They walk in right as two girls compete for a date with Kagesada by seeing who can suck a conveniently placed Popsicle to the stick the fastest. Naturally Bob and Souichiro label Kagesada a pervert, and have a knife shoved in their face by one of the girls. None the less Kagesada talks to them, insisting he wants nothing to do with the schools annual election tournament. As a man who looks vaguely like Mitsuomi Takayanagi walks by the window, Kagesada ducks under a desk in fear. Shinichirō repeats that it was pointless, saying Kagesada suffered a life threatening injury when Shin Natsume went nuts and died, he no longer has the will to fight as a result. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 9 tankōbon (Chapter 56, Page 150). ]

After Bob and Souichiro mock Kagesada, Kagesada challenges them to a fight that night. When they arrive for the fight, they are met by 4 of Kagesada's "Heavenly Divas" who distract Bob. Souichiro moves on where he is met with an army of women, who on Kagesada's command, strip and then mob him. As the women all pale in comparison to Aya Natsume and Maya, Souichiro just forces his way through. As he approaches Kagesada, Shinichirō hits him in the leg with a baseball bat "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 9 tankōbon (Chapter 56, Page 165) ] and Kagesada punches him. Shocked by the power of Kagesada's punch Souichiro hits the ground and two girls hold him down. Kagesada and Shinichirō point out dirty tactics is how Mitsuomi rules the school, and Souichiro obviously can't handle it. To prove them wrong Souichiro over powers the girls, stands up and goes to punch Kagesada (assuming he'd dodge). Kagesada doesn't dodge and ends up knocked out the window, so now the attempt to get more uninjured members just created another injured member.

Later as Aya and Souichiro try to head to Kyushu with Mouki Enmi, Shinichirō stows away in Aya's bag on Maya's command. As Aya, Souichiro and Yorihira Tsumuji get cornered by Jushi Mataza Tsumuji and his men, Shinichirō saves them by blinding the enemy with the Solar Fist technique. As they retreat into the forest, Jushi catches up and slaughters Yorihira, Mouki and Shinichirō. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 10 tankōbon (Chapter 62, Page 150-151). ] Despite that, the three climb out from under the motorcoach back at Jushi's base. Turns out the three that Jushi killed were illusions created by Mouki's Dragon's Pupil. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 10 tankōbon (Chapter 62, Page 168). ] Shinichirō had deduced Jushi's 8 arms are connected to a backpack with a wireless modem, in order to control all 8 there has to be some time of mainframe controlling them. He enters the motorcoach and shuts down the machine, instantly halting Jushi's artificial arms movement saving Aya's life. Souichiro subsequently smashes the arms and backpack. As F was in Kyushu to acquire the computer chip hidden with the Enmi family scroll, Shinichirō hides the chip in his cell phone and replaces the real one with a fake. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 11 tankōbon (Chapter 67, Page 130). ]

Aya and Shinichirō return from Kyushu without Souichiro and they reveal he was kidnapped by Sōhaku Kago. Shinichirō took care of Aya after Sohaku knocked her out, and is the one who discovered he was now missing. He tells the others Souichiro may never come back.

From Shinichirō's analysis of the chip found with the Enmi family scroll, he determines that Souichiro is not only the Juken Club's trump card, but also F's. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 11 tankōbon (Chapter 68, Page 131). ] He also reveals F does not serve Mitsuomi. He says the chip is a copy of information on the Takayanagi family's main computer "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 12 tankōbon (Chapter 73, Page 95). ] , which was locked during Mitsuomi's takeover. Destroying the chip leaves the Takayanagi family computer as the next target, by keeping it they can use it as a trump card. Aya then entrusts the chip to Masataka Takayanagi.

Tournament Arc

As the tournament approaches Shinichirō determines that the greatest weakness of the Juken Club is their lack of unity "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 16 tankōbon (Chapter 99, Page 149). ] , and makes recommendations to fix it. Similarly in an attempt to help prepare Masataka for the tournament Shinichirō provides him a disc containing all the information he's gathered on the opponents, suggesting Mastaka research them. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 17 tankōbon (Chapter 100, Page 7). ] Turns out it was the wrong disc and instead it had Madoka Mawari and Aya in the locker room naked. "Tenjho Tenge" Manga; volume 17 tankōbon (Chapter 100, Page 8). ]

Maintaining the strategist role into the tournament, Shinichirō maps out the positions of the archery club as they are pinned down and tries to think of a way out. He also notes the time limit they have to do it in. Luckily Masataka shows up late and ends up winning the whole round for them with a shortcut to their position, shown to him by Shirō Tagami.

In the second round, he again informs the others of the abilities and skills of upcoming opponents so they can be prepared for them. He notes the defeat of veteran groups, who shouldn't have lost, is good for them but wonders about the causes of their losses. As Kagesada steps up to be the advance guard in the second round fight; Shinichirō thinks its a bad idea, yet listens to Masataka when he says to let him go. As Kagesada appears to be getting humiliated Shinichirō comments that fights can't be won on passion alone, again Masataka stops him. Turns out Kagesada was winning, secretly choking out his opponent the whole time.


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