- Holy See of the East
The Seat of
Nestorian Catholicos-Patriarchs and Indian OrthodoxCatholicos of the East is commonly known as the Holy See of the East andthe Holy See of St. Thomas , as the post of Catholicos of the East is the successor ofSt. Thomas .Nestorian Churches of the East
Ancient Church of the East
His Holiness the Patriarch
Mar Addai II , is the Catholicos of theAncient Church of the East .The current Seat of the Catholicos of
Ancient Church of the East is inBaghdad ,Iraq .Assyrian Church of the East
Mar Dinkha IV is the current Catholicos-Patriarch of theAssyrian Church of the East .The current Seat of the Catholicos of
Assyrian Church of the East is in Chicago, Illinois, USA.Oriental Orthodox Church of the East
Indian Orthodox Church
The official title of the supreme head of the The
Indian Orthodox Church is "the Catholicos of the East on the Apostolic Throne of St. Thomas". The present is H.H. Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Didymos I, who was enthroned on October 31, 2005. TheIndian Orthodox Church (also known as the Malankara Orthodox Church, Orthodox Church of the East, Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church, Orthodox Syrian Church of the East) is a prominent member of the Oriental Orthodox Church family .The current Seat of the Indian Orthodox Catholicos of the East is in Kottayam, Kerala, India.
Holy See of Antioch
Few Christian denominations can claim the antiquity of the Syriac Orthodox Church of
Antioch , whose foundations can be traced back to the very dawn ofChristianity . The Church justifiably prides itself as being one of the earliest established apostolic churches. It was in Antioch, after all, that the followers ofJesus were called Christians as we are told in theNew Testament , "The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch." (Acts 11:26).According to ecclesiastical tradition, the Church of Antioch is the second established church in Christendom after
Jerusalem , and the prominence of its Apostolic See is well documented. In his Chronicon (I, 2), the church historianEusebius of Caesarea tells us that ApostleSt. Peter established a bishopric in Antioch and became its first bishop. He also tells us that St. Peter was succeeded by Evodius. In another historical work, Historia Ecclesiastica, Eusebius tells us that Ignatius the Illuminator, "a name of note to most men, [was] the second after Peter to the bishopric of Antioch" (III, 36).In the mid 5th century, the Bishop of Antioch, and his counterparts in Alexandria, Byzantium and Rome, would be called patriarchs. The Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch used to be known by his own name; however, since 1293 the patriarchs of Antioch adopted the name Ignatius, after the Illuminator. The See of Antioch continues to flourish till our day, with His Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Zakka I, being the 122nd in the line of legitimate patriarchs.
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