- Logica Nova
In the
history of logic , the term "logica nova" (Latin, meaning new logic) refers to a subdivision of the logical tradition ofWestern Europe , as it existed around the middle of thethirteenth century . According to the availability at the time of the logical works ofAristotle (written in Greek) in Latin translation, there was a "logica vetus" (old logic) and the "logica nova".The division of works was as follows [ [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09324a.htm Catholic Encyclopedia: Logic ] ] :
*"Logica vetus" (sometimes "ars vetus")
**The "Categories"
**The "De Interpretatione
**The "Isagoge " of Porphyry
**The "Liber sex principiorum", an anonymous commentary on the latter part of the "Categories" that has often been attributed toGilbert de la Porrée
**Sometimes included are works ofBoethius [ [http://www.cambridge.org/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521772471&ss=exc The Cambridge Companion to Abelard - Cambridge University Press ] ] "De topicis differentiis", "De divisione", "De syllogismis categoricis" and "De syllogismis hypotheticis". [See [http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/medieval-philosophy/] for a more detailed list of relevant commentaries by Boethius.]The seven works, excluding the "Liber sex principiorum", were already canonical in the time of
Abelard [ [http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~brower/Papers/Introduction%20to%20Cam%20Comp.pdf PDF] , p.8.] . He wrote his so-called "Logica Ingredientibus" on the scheme of a set of seven commentaries.*"Logica nova"
**"Prior Analytics "
**"Posterior Analytics
**"Sophismata."The advent of the "logica nova" was the result of new Latin translations, particularly by
James of Venice . The combination of the two logics was termed the "logica antiquorum" (logic of the ancients). Restricting just to the works of Aristotle, the whole "Organon " of six works was split by the historical accidents of transmission into two books in the "logica vetus", and four in the "logica nova".Another usage for "logica nova" is for the later theories of
Ramón Lull . The "logica parva" refers to an important textbook ofPaul of Venice .The terminology had some currency at least until the seventeenth century, and
Johannes Clauberg 's "Logica vetus et nova".Notes
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