Albert I

Albert I

Albert I may refer to:

*Albert I, Count of Vermandois (917-987), Count of Vermandois
*Albert I, Count of Namur (c. 950-1011), a Belgian count
*Albert I of Brandenburg (c. 1100-1170), first Margrave of Brandenburg
*Albert I of Käfernburg (d. 1232), Archbishop of Magdeburg
*Albert I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1236-1279) second Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
*Albert I of Germany (1255-1308), King of Germany and Archduke of Austria
*Albert I, Duke of Prussia (14901568), first Duke of Prussia
*Albert I, Prince of Monaco (1848-1922)
*Albert I of Belgium (1875-1934), third King of the Belgians

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