- Yahia Ben Rabbi
Yahia Ben Rabbi, also known as Yahya Ha-Nasi, Yahya Ibn Yaish, Dom Yahia "o Negro" or Don Yahia "El Negro" (died 1222), known as Lord of "Aldeia dos Negros",
Portugal - _en. Village of the Blacks), and said to be a direct descendent of theExilarch s ofBabylon , was the eponymous ancestor of the "Ibn Yahya" Family. He resided inLisbon and was held in high esteem among theJews as well as by KingAfonso I of Portugal who honored him for his courage and presented him with an estate that had belonged to theMoors , wherefore he assumed the nickname "Negro". He was the son ofYaish Ibn Yahya (died 1196); grandson of(C)Hiyya Al-Daudi (died 1154), who was a prominentRabbi ,composer andpoet , and served asAdvisor toPortugal 's first King Afonso I; great-grandson of David, the son of Hizkiya, the son of David, the son of Zakkai, the son of Avraham, the son of Nathan, the son of David, aRabbi , whose father wasHazub . [http://www.angelfire.com/ego/et_deo/davidicdynasty.wps.htm]By his wife had five sons:
* Yaish Ben (Ibn) Yahya, the father of three sons, namely, Yosef (Jucef), Shlomo (fl 1255), and Moshe (died 1279), had issue
* Yakov Ben Yahya, the father of Hiyya, the father of Eli
* Yosef Ben (Ibn) Yahya (died 1264), the father of Shlomo Ha-Zaken (died 1299), the father of three sons, who were: Yosef (Jucef), Gedaliah (the father of David, Dan(iel) Ha-Rav and Paloma, mistress ofFadrique Alfonso of Castile ), and Hiyya
* Yehuda (Judah) "Sar" Ben Yahya, father of Yahya (father of Yakov, father of Hiyya) and Yosef
* Yahya Ben Yahya, father of Shlomo (father of Yosef) and Bakr Ben YahyaYahia Ben Rabbi's family tree
External links
* [http://www.davidicdynasty.org/ Dedicated to uniting the Jewish descendants of King David]
* [http://www.heymannfamily.com/web/HeymannGed4Web/f_1297.html Genealogy of Yahia Ben Rabbi]
* [http://www.angelfire.com/ego/et_deo/davidicdynasty.wps.htm Genealogy of the Davidic Dynasty] or mirror site [http://www.members.aol.com/rdavidh218/davidicdynasty.html Genealogy of the Davidic Dynasty]
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