FEANTSA, the European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless (French: "Fédération Européenne d'Associations Nationales Travaillant avec les Sans-Abri"), is the only major European network that focuses exclusively on
homelessness at European level and receives financial support from theEuropean Commission for the implementation of its activities.It monitors the scope and nature of homelessness in
Europe , and national and local homeless policy-making in Europe in the framework of the European Commission's strategy onsocial protection andsocial inclusion . The organization'swebsite offers information on the measurement of homelessness, health and homelessness, employment and homelessness, housing rights and homelessness, among others.Presentation
FEANTSA is increasingly focusing on the urban dimension of
EU policy namely through:
*strengthened cooperation with local authorities in theEuropean Forum to combat homelessness
*cooperation withEurostat for collecting data on homelessness for the Urban Audit
*participating in debates on housing and regional policy in various EU institutionsTransnational Exchanges
To promote and facilitate the exchange of information, experience and best practice between FEANTSA's member organisations. This exchange gives members access to effective and innovative approaches to the problem of homelessness through working groups and seminars.
To promote and facilitate exchanges between non-members (
civil servant s, local authorities, etc.) in the framework of the European Forum to combat homelessness which is made up of different sub-fora, including the local authorities forum on homelessness.Research
FEANTSA established the
European Observatory on Homelessness in1991 to facilitate research to promote better understanding of the complexity and the changing nature of homelessness. This network is composed of eleven national research correspondents from different EU countries who have built up extensive experience in the field of homelessness andhousing exclusion .Partnerships
FEANTSA works closely with the EU institutions, and has consultative status at the
Council of Europe and at theUnited Nations . FEANTSA works closely with research networks such as the European Network on Housing Research. FEANTSA is a founding member of theEuropean Housing Forum (a forum of European organisations active in the field of housing). FEANTSA is a member of the Platform of European SocialNGO s, EAPN (European Anti-Poverty Network ) and EPHA (European Public Health Alliance ).Participants
The some 100 member organisations of FEANTSA come from 30 European countries, including 24
Member State s of the European Union. Members are non-governmental organisations that provide a wide range of services to people who are homeless including accommodation and social support. Most of the members of FEANTSA are national or regional umbrella organisations of service providers who work in close co-operation with public authorities, social housing providers and other relevant actors.Objectives
*Role of FEANTSA: To provide a voice for NGOs.
*Mission: To be/create the most effective means of ending homelessness in the EU.
**Influencing decision-making at EU level
**Building capacity of members to lobby/influence the homelessness agenda nationally, and be aware of the impact of EU level policy-making at national level
**Mutual learning with all partners who share the FEANTSA mission
**Using research/expertise to provide solutions to homelessnessProducts
FEANTSA homeless service providers produce various European thematic reports, policy statements and policy proposals.The FEANTSA Observatory produces annual research in relation to homelessness (changing profiles, services, role of the state).
Involvement in EU policy-making
FEANTSA mainly contributes to the following EU initiatives:
*Social protection and inclusion strategy
*Urban issues (Urban Audit, etc)
*Employment strategy
*Services directives and debates
*Health strategy
*Housing Ministers meetingsReferences
* [http://www.osw.org.uk/research/feantsa.asp OSW (Off the Streets and into Work) Research]
*de icon [http://www.bag-wohnungslosenhilfe.de/presse/2.phtml Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe (Germany) Press]
*de icon [http://www.bawo.at/TCgi/TCgi.cgi?target=home&P_KatSub=38 Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Wohnungslosenhilfe (Austria) FEANTSA Press]
* [http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/social_inclusion/networks_en.htm European Commission, Employment and Social Affairs Directorate, Social Inclusion]
*fr icon [http://www.fapil.net/Focus/focuseurope.htm Fédération des Associations pour la Promotion et l'Insertion par le Logement, Europe]
*cs icon [http://www.azylovedomy.cz/evr_partnerstvi.php Sdružení Azylových Domů]
* [http://www.karitas.si/predstavitev/index_eng.php Caritas Slovenia]External links
* [http://www.feantsa.org/code/en/hp.asp Official English website]
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