- Street Medicine
Street Medicine is an emerging collaboration of health care professionals, formerly
homeless outreach workers, and others that has been happening globally since the early 1990s. Street medicine practice is defined as those health care and related services that are delivered directly to persons sleeping on the streets, along the river banks, and in the abandoned buildings, "etc.", of cities.Pioneers of street medicine have been practicing their art as the world's homeless population has increased, but largely in isolation.
Networking efforts over that past two decades have resulted in the recognition that a new field of medicine has emerged. The term Street Medicine, in this context, was coined by Dr. Jim Withers who has been one of the leaders in the movement. [Srikameswaran, Anita. [http://www.post-gazette.com/healthscience/20020815withers5.asp “‘Street doc’ honored for work with homeless,”] "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette", Thursday, August 15, 2002.] [Malloy, Michael G. [http://www.aamc.org/newsroom/reporter/march03/homeless.htm “Pittsburgh’s Operation Safety Net Is Making a Difference to the Underserved,”] "AAMC Reporter", March, 2003.] His program,Operation Safety Net inPittsburgh, Pennsylvania , has hosted the annual International Street Medicine Symposium in various cities since 2005. [Fahy, Joe. [http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/05283/585826-85.stm “Doctors meeting here to consider street peoples’ needs,”] "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette", Monday, October 10, 2005.] At this first meeting, the keynote speaker was Dr.Jack Preger . Preger has been practicing street medicine inCalcutta, India since 1979 and has founded the Calcutta Rescue relief agency. The group collaborates to improve the care of the unsheltered homeless ("rough sleepers"), to support street medicine practitioners, to conduct research, and to advocate for health care justice. As of 2007, twenty-one cities of the United States and eleven international cities in four continents are represented.The Street Medicine Institute is being formed as a
nonprofit to coordinate and enhance these activities. It has been supported by theRobert Wood Johnson Foundation and theGlaxo Smith Kline Foundation. The purpose of the Institute includes the development of best practices for street medicine, the creation and enhancement of street medicine programs as requested, and the training of health care students who wish to specialize in the skills of street medicine practice. In 2007, the Street Medicine Fellowship was initiated through the Donald E. Withers, MD Memorial Fund for Street Medicine Education.The Street Medicine collaborative group welcomes any persons or groups that have an interest in improving the lives of those who sleep on the street. Major partners include the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (contact John Lozier) and the European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless (contact Dr. Igor van Laere).
External links
Street medicine articles
* [http://www.nhchc.org/Network/HealingHands/2001/October2001HealingHands.pdf "Rural Homelessness & Health Care"] , "Healing Hands", October 2001.
*Choucair, Bechara MD. [http://www.aafp.org/afp/20061001/editorials.html "An Editorial: Health Care for the Homeless in America"] , "American Family Physician", October 1, 2006.
*Dermody, Cynthia. [http://www.rd.com/content/openContent.do?contentId=26498 "Street Medicine: This caring doctor makes house calls where there are no walls"] "Reader's Digest", May 2006.
*Leung, Lester. [http://www.nextgenmd.org/vol3-1/underserved_communities.html "Careers in Medicine: Clinics in Underserved Communities — An Interview with James O' Connell, MD, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program"] , "Pathways in Medicine", September 2006.
*Montauk, Susan Louisa MD. [http://www.aafp.org/afp/20061001/1132.html "The Homeless in America: Adapting Your Practice"] , "American Family Physician", October 1, 2006.
*Singer, Jeff MSW. [http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=1494948 "Taking It to the Streets: Homelessness, Health, and Health Care in the United States"] , "Journal of General Internal Medicine", November 2003.
*Umar, Kauthar B. MA. [http://www.omhrc.gov/assets/pdf/checked/Health%20Care%20Headaches--Accessing%20Safety%20Net%20Services.pdf "Health Care Headaches: Accessing Safety Net Services"] , HHS Office of Minority Health "Closing the Gap", August 2003.
Street medicine programs
International and national
* [http://directrelief.org Direct Relief International] Provides medical assistance for people victimized by poverty, disaster, and civil unrest throughout the world
* [http://www.feantsa.org/code/en/hp.asp European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless (FEANTSA)] A non-governmental network that focuses exclusively on homelessness in Europe
* [http://www.nhchc.org National Health Care for the Homeless Council] An advocacy, training, research and support organization in the United States
* [http://www.aamc.org/uninsured/start.htm Protecting America's Uninsured] An Association of American Medical Colleges online directory of programs for the uninsured, by area
* [http://www.streetmedicine.org Street Medicine] An international collaboration of street medicine organizations and personnel
* [http://ask.hrsa.gov/pc/ Where to Find Health Care] An HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care online directory of health centers that care for people regardless of ability to pay or health insurance coverageLocal
*Toronto: [http://www.streethealth.ca/home.htm Street Health] India:
*Calcutta: Calcutta Rescue, see [http://basilicum122.googlepages.com The Pavement Doctor of Calcutta] The Netherlands:
*Amsterdam: [http://www.medadvocates.org/hippocrates.htm Municipal Public Health Service] Spain:
*Barcelona: [http://www.cecasfundacio.org Centra Catala de Solidaritat] Sweden:
*Stockholm: [http://www.erstadiakoni.se/Page2.aspx Ersta Diakoni] United States:
*Phoenix, Arizona: [http://www.maricopa.gov/Public_Health/Services/Homeless/default.aspx Health Care for the Homeless]
*Tucson, Arizona: [http://www.elrio.org/services/healthcare.htm El Rio Healthcare for the Homeless]
*Los Angeles, California: [http://www.jwchinstitute.org JWCH Institute]
*Santa Barbara, California: [http://doctors-without-walls.blogspot.com Doctors Without Walls]
*Santa Cruz, California: [http://santacruzhealth.org/phealth/2homeless.htm#Community Homeless Persons Health Project]
*San Francisco, California: [http://www.sfccc.org/sos/index.htm Street Outreach Services (SOS)]
*Denver, Colorado: [http://www.coloradocoalition.org/site/PageServer?pagename=outreach Colorado Coalition for the Homeless Outreach]
*Washington, DC: [http://www.unityhealthcare.org/homeless_van.htm Unity Health Care Medical Outreach Van]
*Jacksonville, Florida: [http://www.sulzbachercenter.org IM Sulzbacher Center for the Homeless]
*Miami, Florida: [http://www.camillus.org Camillus House]
*Orlando, Florida: [http://www.hcch.org/home1.htm Health Care Center for the Homeless]
*Savannah, Georgia: [http://www.unionmission.org Union Mission]
*Honolulu, Hawaii: [http://www.hawaiihomeproject.org/index.html Hawaii HOME (Homeless Outreach and Medical Education) Project] + [http://waikikihc.org Waikiki Health Center Homeless Services]
*Chicago, Illinois: [http://www.heartlandalliance.org Heartland Health Outreach]
*Louisville, Kentucky: [http://www.fhclouisville.org/homeless.htm The Healthcare for the Homeless Project]
*Baltimore, Maryland: [http://www.hchmd.org Health Care for the Homeless]
*Boston, Massachusetts: [http://www.bhchp.org Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program]
*Manchester, New Hampshire: [http://www.catholicmedicalcenter.org/Community-Health-Services/Mobile-Community-Health-Team.aspx The Health Care for the Homeless Program/Mobile Community Health Team Project]
*Piscataway, New Jersey: [http://rwjms.umdnj.edu/hiphop/index.html Homeless & Indigent Population Health Outreach Project (HIPHOP)]
*Albuquerque, New Mexico: [http://www.abqhch.org Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless]
*New York, New York: [http://www.projectrenewal.org/healthcare.html Project Renewal]
*Cleveland, Ohio: [http://www.carealliance.org Care Alliance]
*Columbus, Ohio: [http://www.mountcarmelfoundation.org/programs.htm Mount Carmel Communty Outreach]
*Portland, Oregon [http://www.outsidein.org/services.htm Outside In Medical Outreach Program]
*Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: [http://www.mercylink.org/pages/community_programs/safety_net.cfm Operation Safety Net]
*Chattanooga, Tennessee: [http://health.hamiltontn.org/ClinicalServices/PCMC/HomelessHlt.htm Homeless Health Care Center]
*Memphis, Tennessee: [http://www.baptistonline.org/services/community/mobile_clinic.asp Baptist Memorial Health Care Operation Outreach]
*Houston, Texas: [http://www.homeless-healthcare.org Healthcare for the Homeless—Houston]
*Salt Lake City, Utah: [http://www.fourthstreetclinic.org Fourth Street Clinic Healthcare for the Homeless]
*Seattle, Washington: [http://www.metrokc.gov/health/hchn/index.htm Health Care for the Homeless Network]
*Morgantown, West Virginia: [http://www.hsc.wvu.edu/som/fammed/fmig.asp# Multidisciplinary UnSheltered Homeless Relief Outreach of Morgantown (MUSHROOM)]
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