

A fomite is any object or substance capable of carrying infectious organisms (such as germs or parasites) and hence transferring them from one individual to another. A fomite can be anything (such as a cloth or mop head), so when cleaning, it is important to remember that such could aid the spread of pathogenic organisms. Skin cells, hair, clothing, and bedding are common hospital sources of contamination.

Fomites are associated particularly with hospital acquired infections (HAI), as they are possible routes to pass pathogens between patients. Stethoscopes and neckties are two such fomites associated with doctors. Basic hospital equipment, such as IV drip tubes, catheters, and life support equipment can also be carriers, when the pathogens form biofilms on the surfaces. Careful sterilization of such objects must be undertaken to stop cross-infection.

Researchers discovered that smooth (non-porous) surfaces transmit bacteria and viruses better than porous materials; so one is more likely to pick-up a disease from a door knob than from paper money. [Cite journal
volume = 60
issue = 10
last = Abad
first = F X
coauthors = R M Pintó, A. Bosch
title = Survival of enteric viruses on environmental fomites
journal = Applied and Environmental Microbiology
date = 1994-10
pmid= 7986043
] [Cite journal
doi = 12597308
issn = 0038-4348
volume = 95
issue = 12
pages = 140810
last = Pope
first = Theodore W
coauthors = Peter T Ender, William K Woelk, Michael A Koroscil, Thomas M Koroscil
title = Bacterial contamination of paper currency
journal = Southern Medical Journal
date = 2002-12
doi_brokendate = 2008-07-05
] . The reason is that porous, especially fibrous, materials absorb and trap the contagion, making it harder to contract through simple touch.


The word "fomite" is a back-formation from the plural "fomites", which was originally the Latin plural of the singular, "fomes", literally meaning touchwood or tinder. In classical Latin, "fomites" was pronounced like a concatenation of English "foe" + "me" + "tays"; but "foe" + "mites" has now become a common pronunciation, and "fomite" (also pronounced with a long 'i') is the singular form in English.

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