Municipal Code Corporation

Municipal Code Corporation

Municipal Code Corporation (MCC) was founded in 1951 by George Langford who remains the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The company, located in Tallahassee, Florida, is involved in publishing legal documents[1]. These include the original codification, recodification, or republication of municipal legislation (i.e. Codes of Ordinances, Land Use Codes, and Charters), and the updating and supplementation of municipal legislation through printed looseleaf pages and various electronic formats.

The company's Code Department publishes Codes of Ordinances, which requires the original codification, recodification, or republication of a local governments local legislation. Staff attorneys within this department (also known as "code attorneys") have the overall responsibility of supervising each publication project. A code attorney reviews the local legislation, organizes the individual pieces of legislation into logical classifications, and then performs a legal review of that legislation, involving an analysis of the legislation compared to state statutes, court decisions, and constitutional principles. The code attorney points out any inconsistencies between the municipalitys legislation and the statutes or case law, and makes recommendations to the municipal attorney regarding how to cure any defects found in the local legislation. When the new language is approved by the municipality, the code attorney releases the project to a team of indexer, editors and proofreaders. The company also has full printing and binding capabilities in-house.

The MCC Online Library [1] contains a publicly accessible collection of more than 2700 Codes of Ordinances that the company has published for local governments in 50 states. The collection of Codes of Ordinances available are integrated with a search engine, and include various research tools that make it a valuable repository of local laws. Searches may be made within an individual Code of Ordinances for free, or in multiple Codes of Ordinances, including an entire state, the entire country or individually selected content, as a premium service.

On July 31, 2003 the company created a subsidiary, MCCi,LLC, that is a value added reseller (VAR) of document management and agenda automation software. MCCi was recognized in 2008, 2009 and 2010 by Laserfiche, the manufacturer of the document management software, as the top VAR serving the local government market.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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