Hati Hróðvitnisson

Hati Hróðvitnisson

In Norse mythology, Hati Hróðvitnisson (first name meaning "He Who Hates, Enemy"Byock, Jesse. (Trans.) "The Prose Edda", page 164. (2006) Penguin Classics ISBN 0140447555] ) is a wolf that according to "Gylfaginning" chases the Moon across the night sky, just as the wolf Sköll chases the Sun during the day, until the time of Ragnarök when they will swallow these heavenly bodies, after which Fenrir will break free from his bonds and kill Odin.

Hati's surname is Hróðvitnisson, attested in both "Grímnismál" and "Gylfaginning", which indicates that he is the son of Fenrir, whose alternate name is Hróðvitnir ("Famous Wolf"). Hati's mother is the giantess, not named but mentioned in "Völuspá" and "Gylfaginning", who dwells to the east of Midgard in the forest of Járnviðr ("Ironwood"). Snorri states that this giantess and witch bears many giants for sons, all in the form of wolves including one named Mánagarm ("Moon Hound") who shall swallow the Moon and is thus identified with Hati. From this passage it is also presumed that Sköll is Hati's brother.


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