- Barbara Tran
Barbara Tran (born 1968) is an Amerian poet.
Born in New York City, she received her B.A. from New York University and her M.F.A. from Columbia University. She coedited the anthology "Watermark: Vietnamese American Poetry and Prose" (Asian American Writers' Workshop, 1998) and guest edited "Viet Nam: Beyond the Frame", a special issue of "Michigan Quarterly Review" (Fall 2004). She is the recipient of a Lannan Foundation Writing Residency, Bread Loaf Writers' Conference Scholarship, MacDowell Colony Gerald Freund Fellowship, and Pushcart Prize, and is featured in filmmaker Yunah Hong's documentary [http://www.wmm.com/filmcatalog/pages/c553.shtml "Between the Lines: Asian American Women's Poetry"] . Her first published poetry collection, "In the Mynah Bird's Own Words" (Tupelo Press, 2002), was selected as a PEN Open Book Award finalist. She is currently at work on a second poetry collection and a novel.
Barbara Tran online
* [http://www.betasquared.net/barbaratran/ Barbara Tran's personal webpage]
*Three poems from crossconnect, [http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/v3/i3/g/tran.html "Rosary"] , [http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/i22/g/tran1.html "Rules of the Game"] , and [http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/i22/g/tran2.html "Fodder"]
* [http://www.panix.com/~aaww/apajrnl/ith/btran.html "Phu Nhuan"] , a poem
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