Singapore Sign Language — ISO 639 3 Code : sls ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
American Sign Language — Infobox Language name=American Sign Language nativename= states=United States, Canada region=Anglophone North America signers=500,000 to 2 million in the USA alone (others unknown) family=emerging primarily from Old French Sign Language, with… … Wikipedia
Chinese Sign Language — 中国手语, Zhōngguó Shǒuyǔ Signed in China, Malaysia, Taiwan Native signers unknown (date missing) Language family … Wikipedia
List of sign languages — There are perhaps around two hundred sign languages in use around the world today. The number is not known with any confidence; new sign languages emerge frequently through creolization and de novo (and occasionally through language planning). In … Wikipedia
Singapore — Singaporean, n., adj. /sing geuh pawr , pohr , sing euh /, n. 1. an island on the Strait of Singapore, off the S tip of the Malay Peninsula. 2. an independent republic comprising this island and a few adjacent islets: member of the Commonwealth… … Universalium
Singapore gay history — Pre Colonial period (up to 1819)Relatively little is known about pre colonial Singapore, let alone the history of homosexuality during this period. Nonetheless, it can reasonably be assumed that ideas and practices relating to sexual minorities… … Wikipedia
Manually coded language — Manually coded languages (MCLs) are representations of spoken languages in a gestural visual form; that is, sign language versions of spoken languages. Unlike the sign languages that have evolved naturally in Deaf communities, which have distinct … Wikipedia
English language — English Pronunciation /ˈ … Wikipedia
List of dialects of the English language — This is a list of dialects of the English language. Dialects are linguistic varieties which differ in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar from each other and from Standard English (which is itself a dialect). Dialects can be usefully defined as … Wikipedia
Minority language — A minority language is a language spoken by a minority of the population of a territory. Such people are termed linguistic minorities or language minorities. Contents 1 International politics 2 Definition in international law 3 Controversy … Wikipedia