

nihongo|Kōka|弘化| was a nihongo|Japanese era name|年号,|"nengō",|lit. "year name" after " Tenpō" and before "Kaei." This period spanned the years from 1844 through 1848. The reigning emperors were nihongo|Ninkō"-tennō"|仁孝天皇 and nihongo|Kōmei"-tennō"|孝明天皇.

Change of era

*; December 2, 1844: The new era name of "Kōka," (meaning "Becoming Wide or Vast") was created to mark a fire at Edo Castle in "Tenpō 15."

Events of the "Kōka" era

* "Kōka gannen" (1844):



External links

* National Diet Library, "The Japanese Calendar" [http://www.ndl.go.jp/koyomi/e/ -- historical overview plus illustrative images from library's collection]


Preceded by:
" Tenpō"
Era or "nengō":
Succeeded by:

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