

name = "Acanthoceras"

image_caption = "Acanthoceras rhotomagense"
fossil_range = middle Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Mollusca
classis = Cephalopoda
subclassis = Ammonoidea
familia = Acanthoceratidae
genus = "Acanthoceras"
genus_authority =
subdivision_ranks =
subdivision =

"Acanthoceras" is an extinct genus of cephalopod belonging to the Ammonite subclass and Acanthoceratidae family that lived during the Turonian stage of the middle Cretaceous Period. Their shells had ornate ribs whose function is unknown, although some scientists have speculated that these ribs helped strengthen the animals' shells to allow them to live at greater depths where the water pressure is higher. An adult had a shell diameter of approximately 5 inches. "Acanthoceras" fossils can be found in Western Europe, western North America and northern Australia.


*"A. quadratum"
*"A. rhotomagense"
*"A. roguense"



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