École supérieure de commerce de Rouen

École supérieure de commerce de Rouen

The Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Rouen (ESC Rouen or "Rouen School of Management") is a leading French business school.

ESC Rouen's quality is recognized at European level through its EQUIS accreditation and its Financial Times' ranking 13th position best European Master in Management. The Financial Times also highlights the quality of the formation in finance ranking the Grande Ecole Programme 8th position best in Europe and 4th position best in France.


Established in 1871 in the then-vibrant industrial city of Rouen, it is the second business school to be created in France.

Groupe ESC Rouen was formed in 1996, gathering together 4 independent schools, all managed and financed mainly by the Rouen Chamber of Commerce and Industry. These schools are ESC Rouen, the leading school of the group, IFI, ISPP and ECAL _ each school having a distinctive mission and student base.

ESC Rouen is a founding member of the Chapitre des Ecoles du Management de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (Chapter of Management Schools belonging to the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles). The school is also a member of EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development) and AACSB (International Association for Management Education).

ESC Rouen received EQUIS accreditation from the European Foundation for Management Development for a second time in May 2005. Moreover, the school is engaged in the process to obtain the AACSB and AMBA accreditations.


Financial Times (2007) - The ESC Rouen Grande Ecole Programme is ranked 13th position best European Master in Management. The Financial Times also highlights the quality of the formation in finance ranking the ESC Rouen Grande Ecole Programme 8th position best in Europe and 4th position best in France.

ESC Rouen is also consistently ranked among the top-7 French Business Schools.

Le Nouvel Economist (2007) - 7th position
L'Expansion (2006) - 6th position relating to best starting salary and three years after graduating
Challenges (December 2005) - 6th position
Capital (2004) - 5th position for starting salaries for Business School graduates


1 rue du Maréchal Juin - BP 215
76825 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex
Téléphone : - Télécopie :

62 full time professors (170 overall)
1340 student and 2600 in the ESC Rouen Groupe
Budget: 27 million euros

Students have been known to ride the "Biture Express" and have been known to dance on occasion "La Danse de Limousin".

Training offered

Graduate programme (Flag Diploma)

The Grande Ecole Programme is organised in two sections (Bachelor et Master), and is perfectly adapted to international mobility. Its mission is to receive a growing number of foreign students. The Masters section, covering four semesters, includes one semester of internship and a study period in one of our partner universities. It ends up with amajor’, which is a genuine interface with the international job market. TheEuropean trackswhich are one semester longer, allow students to study in three or four different European Union countries. They widen the horizons and the employment prospects in those domains in which the ESC Rouen specialises, particularly in its two areas of excellence : finance and international marketing.

Management teaching programme over 7 semesters, with a strong international dimension and adapted to the demands of each student.Recruitment after preparatory classes (ECRICOME entrance exam and UNIVERSA for international students) and as parallel admission after a course up to Bac+2 or Bac+3/4 (Tremplin 1 and Tremplin2).The Grande Ecole programme complies with the requirements of the Bologna Process.

Undergraduate programmes

"IFI" (created in 1986) offers a 4-year programme specialising in international business. This leads to a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, with a specialisation in either International Marketing or International Management. IFI has the highest accreditation of the Ministry of Education, which is called thevisa”.

Site Web : www.ifi-rouen.fr

"ISPP" (created in 1977) offers a 3-year Bachelor of Arts programme in Management (with specialisations in Sales Management, Tourism, Logistics and Retailing). ISPP has the highest accreditation of the Ministry of Education (“visa”).

Site Web : www.ispp-rouen.fr

"ECAL" (created in 1962) offers a 2-year programme in Retailing Management, with students being accepted after having already completed 2 post-secondary years of education.

Site Web : www.ecal-rouen.fr

Postgraduate programmes

"Specialised Masters":The Rouen School of Management offers specialised masters courses accredited by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, as well as an MBA. Teaching is either full-time in Rouen or part-time in Paris.By setting up a centre in Paris, the Rouen School of Management is confirming its determination to develop its range of part-time postgraduate programmes.

"Specialised Masters Part Time in Paris" (MBA Center - 23 rue d'Anjou - 75008 Paris):
*Market Research and Marketing Management
*Marketing of Products for Children and Young Consumers
*Corporate Communication Strategy

"Specialised Masters Full Time in Rouen":
*Market Research and Marketing Management
*International Financial Management
*Management Strategy for International Development
*Master of Science in European Management
*Master of Science in Business Information Systems

"MBA - Master in Business Administration"
*MSc in European Management : a one year programme conducted in English and open to students who have 4-year Bachelors degrees.

*Rouen Normandy MBA : a 1216 month programme taught in English.Mél. : mba@groupe-esc-rouen.fr

ESC Rouen - Grande Ecole Programme

13 specialised majors in the 3rd year (Grande Ecole Programme). The 13 majors are designed jointly with European partner universities and are taught by international teams. They are offered to students in the 3rd year so as to strengthen their theoretical knowledge in the main management disciplines :

Corporate Finance
Financial Markets
Managerial Accounting
Finance and International Management
Financial and Banking Management
Marketing of Services, Retailing and Leisure Activities
Human Resources Management
Performance Management
Management of Non-Profit Organisations
International Marketing
Marketing of Products and Communication

"First year" : CPGE (preparatory school): 260 accepted
"First year": University Diploma (Bac + 2): 35 places
"Second year": University Diploma (Bac + 3 to Bac + 4): 65 places
Semester 3 : 6 months compulsory internship
Place: France or overseas

Semester 5 or 6 : 6 to 8 months internship
Subject: Professional insertion
Place: France or overseas

Semester 8 : 6 month intership
Subject: Professional integration
Place: France or overseas

Semester 5 and 6 :Possibility of a gap year in a company for 9 to 12 months

International Partners
The agreements between Groupe ESC Rouen and its 171 partner universities offer students the possibility of studying in universities and business schools

These agreements allow our students to spend one or two semesters in one of these universities. The grades obtained are credited towards their degree. Each year, 100 % of the IFI students and about 90 % of ESC Rouen students study abroad.

In exchange, Rouen welcomes nearly 370 students from its partner universities onto its different programmes and generally stay between 3 and 9 months. These students also have the possibility of continuing their graduate studies in order to complete the full ESC-Programme and obtain the Diplôme de Grande Ecole (Master of Science in Management).

Groupe ESC Rouen also offers European Management Seminars which are customized intensive management seminars onDoing Business in the European Union”. These seminars are organised at the Undergraduate, Graduate and Post-Graduate level (Full-Time MBA and Executive MBA).

ARGENTINA Universidad Nacional del Sur UCA Universidad Catolica Argentina Universidad Argentina de la Empresa AUSTRALIA Griffith University La Trobe University Swinburne University of Technology AUSTRIA University of Applied Sciences, IMC Fachhochschule Krems Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck Johannes Kepler Universität, Linz BELGIUM Katho Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaanderen BRAZIL Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana COPPEAD - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Instituto de Pos-Graduaçao e Pesquisa em Administraçao Fundaçao Getulio Vargas Universidade de Sao Paolo CANADA Brock University, Faculty of Business Wilfrid Laurier University, School of Business & Economics Nipissing University, School of Business & Economics University of Windsor, the Odette School of Business Dalhousie University, Faculty of Management University of Manitoba, I.H. Asper School of Business University of Saskatchewan, College of Commerce Saint Mary's University, The F. Sobey Faculty of Commerce University of Northern British Columbia, School of Business University of Western Ontario, Richard Ivey School of Business Concordia University, John Molson School of Business Université Laval, Faculté des Sciences de l'Administration McGill University, Desautels Facutly of Management McMaster University, DeGroote School of Business University of Ottawa, School of Management Queen's University, School of Business Université de Sherbrooke, Faculté d'Administration UQAM - Université du Québec, Ecole des Sciences de la Gestion University of Victoria, Faculty of Business York University, Faculty of Administrative Studies University of Calgary, Haskayne School of Business CHILE Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Universidad Andres Bello Universidad Catolica del Norte Universidad de los Andes Universidad de Chile Universidad Diego Portates, Santiago CHINA Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Zhejiang University University of Macau Wuhan University Ningbo University of Technology Hong Kong Polytechnic University Shanghai University COLOMBIA CESA Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración Universidad Externado de Colombia Universidad de los Andes, Bogota DENMARK Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus Business Academy Copenhagen North Copenhagen Business School ESTONIA International University Audentes, Tallin FINLAND HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences Helsinki School of Economics & Business Administration Turku School of Economics GERMANY Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin Hochschule Pforzheim Universityof Applied Sciences Fachhochschule Reutlingen VWA - Studienakademie Stuttgart Hochschule Für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden European Business School Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnis Universität Hannover WHU Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management Friedrich Alexander-Universität Erlangen Universität Regensburg Universität des Saarlandes HUNGARY Corvinus University of Budapest University of Miskolc INDIA Birla Institute of Management Technology Bishop Heber College NMIMS Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies IRELAND University of Dublin, Trinity College ISRAEL Tel Aviv University ITALY Università degli Studi del Molise Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia LUISS Libera Università Internazionale di Studi Sociali Università degli studi di Genova JAPAN Akita International University Rikkyo University - College of Business Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Sophia UniversityLEBANON ESA Ecole Supérieure des Affaires MALAYSIA Universiti Sains-Malaysia University of Malaya MOROCCO ISCAE Institut Supérieur de Commerce et d'Administration des Entreprises MEXICO Universidad de Monterrey Universidad Regiomontana Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Tamaulipas Universidad Iberoamericana Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México TEC Campus Ciudad de México TEC Campus Estado de México TEC Campus de Guadalajara TEC Campus de Monterrey TEC Campus de Guernavaca TEC Campus Toluca NORWAY NHH Norges Handelshøyskole PERU Universidad del Pacifico ESAN - Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados POLAND University of Gdansk Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship & Management Gdansk University of Technology Warsaw University PORTUGAL Universidade Catolica Portuguesa RUSSIA MIRBIS - Moscow International Higher Business School Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Faculty of Economics and Management Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics State University of Management SENEGAL ISM Institut Supérieur de Management SINGAPORE Singapore Management University SOUTH KOREA Seoul National University SPAIN Universidad de Almeria Universidad de León Universidad Pública de Navarra Universitat Rovira i Virgili Universidad de Deusto Universidad Carlos III Universidad de Cordoba ESIC Escuela Superior de Gestion Comercial y Marketing Universidad Pontificia Comillas - ICADE Universidad de Salamanca Universidad de Valencia SWEDEN Halmstad University Karlstad University Göteborg University Lund University Stockholm University School of Business THAILAND Assumption University Chulalongkorn University THE NETHERLANDS HAN Arnhem Business School Inholland University Rotterdam Universiteit Maastricht Tilburg University TURKEY Bogazici University Bilkent University, Ankara Middle East Technical University, Ankara U.K. University of Hull Business School Glasgow Caledonian University University of Sunderland University of Westminster Aston University Business School University of Bath Kingston University The University of Nottingham Business School University of Warwick U.S.A. Fairfield University, the Charles F. Dolan School of Business Michigan State University, the Eli Broad College of Business Hamline University, Graduate School of Management, St Paul, Minnesota Bentley College California Polytechnic State University, Orfalea College of Business Indiana University, Kelley School of Business Minnesota State University, Mankato, College of Business Pittsburgh University, College of Business Administration University of Richmond, Robins School of Business Towson University, College of Business & Economics MIIS Monterrey Institute of International Studies, the Fisher Graduate School of Int. Business Brandeis University International Business School Emory University, Goizueta Business School University of Florida, the Warrington College of Business Administration Montclair State University, School of Business The Pennsylvania State University, Smeal College of Business Pepperdine University, The Graziado School of Business and Management SMU Cox Business School University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, College of Business & Economics

International network:

Other Information
"Main sector of activity of graduates (2004):"
- Consultancy and auditing : 29%
- Finance, banks, insurance : 18%
- Chemicals and pharmaceutical industry : 8%

"Main strength promoted by the school:"
- International partners (more than 100 universities around the world) and its new European programme:
- Business simulation games
- Alumni network (over 14 000)
- Partnerships with companies
- The campus (7 hectares)

"Ten main recruiting companies:"
- Ernst & Young
- Société Générale
- BNP Paribas
- PricewaterhouseCoopers
- Total
- Axa
- Renault
- Deloitte

"Companies recruiting on campus (2008):"



"Famous graduates"

* Philippe Besson, Author
* Jacques Bitton, M&A CEO, Société Générale
* Marc Brandsma, MBA Chicago, Founder, Netvibes
* Vincent Cotard, President, GlaxoSmithKline Santé Grand Public
* Philippe Doucet, Journalist, Canal +
* Christian Duval, CEO France, Gillette
* Louis Giscard d'Estaing, MBA Insead, Member of Parliament
* Yves Goblet, MBA Harvard, Vice-President, TPS
* David Guiraud, CEO, Groupe Les Échos
* Bruno Keller, CEO, Eurazeo
* Brigitte Liberman, CEO, L'Oréal Cosmétique Active International
* Jacky Lintignat, CEO France, KPMG
* Denis Martin, Chairman, Cegetel
* Alain Nemarq, CEO, Mauboussin
* Jean-Marie Osdoit, CEO, Volvo CE Europe SAS
* Sophie Saint Bonnet, CEO, Daum
* Didier Taupin, President, Ineum Consulting
* Laurent Zeller, CEO France, AC Nielsen

External links

* http://www.esc-rouen.fr/
* http://www.efmd.be/equis/list.htm
* http://www.myescrouen.com/

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