

A STOLport or STOLPORT is an airport designed with STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) operations in mind, normally having a short single runway. The term does not appear to be in common usage as of 2008. Several attempts were made from the late 1960s to the early 1970s to create STOLports in the United States in the New York City and Los Angeles, California areas, none were apparently successful. La Guardia Airport operated a 1,096 ft STOL runway starting in 1968, which was dubbed the La Guardia STOLPORT. [ [,9171,838584,00.html "Starting STOL"] Time. Aug. 16, 1968.] The Victoria STOLport also failed in Ottawa Canada. Walt Disney World Resort also had a STOLport for a short period. [ [ The short, short life of Disney World's STOLport] . (Blog)] At one point in 1968 a 2,400 ft STOLport was under consideration for a roof top in Manhattan. ["DECISION HELD UP ON SHIP TERMINAL; Council Unit Asks Agencies for Additional Data" The New York Times. December 13, 1968] In the early 1970s, a study was conducted to help the FAA to determine if it was necessary to create an elevated STOLport test facility. [ [ Elevated STOLport Test Facility Conceptual Development and Cost Study.] . April 1973.]

STOLports are commonFact|date=August 2008 in places like northern CanadaFact|date=August 2008 and northern Norway,Fact|date=August 2008 where space and financing for runways is limited. STOLports are normallyFact|date=August 2008 used for local aviation and limited commercial operations. A STOLport in a remote location often can not have connection with major hubs, since the small planes that can land do not have enough range.Fact|date=August 2008 Instead there are regional hubs (examples Nome and Tromsø) where the passengers change to larger planes. A STOLport usually has a runway shorter than 1,000 meters, although this is not always the case. Larger STOLports like the London City Airport have runways that are longer than 1,000 meters.Fact|date=August 2008 A STOLport can also be considered an airport with a small runway.Fact|date=August 2008

TOLports in the United States

In the United States, STOLports are one of several types of facilities, they are identified with an S at the end of the site ID. For example, Calvert Peak STOLport is listed as FAA site number 19448.1*S. [ [ OR73] .] As of August 2008, around 80 facilities are coded as STOLports by the FAA in the United States. According to the FAA, in 1968 25 potential STOLport sites were identified in the Boston - New York - Washington corridor. The first US STOLport for commercial operation was commissioned August 5, 1968 at La Guardia airport and was available for VFR use only. The first officially designated STOLport was opened October 17, 1971 at Walt Disney World. Prior to that date only portions of facilities were designated STOLports. Plans at the time called for an interstate STOL transportation system. On July 26, 1972 the FAA V/STOL office was renamed to the Quiet Short-Haul Air Transportation System Office refocusing it and reflecting public concerns about noise created by smaller more numerous STOLports as opposed to larger airports. [ [ FAA Chronology] . Accessed August 26, 2008.]

List of some STOLports


*Port Stanley Airport (Falkland Islands)
*Ridge Soaring Gliderport (USA) (Listed as a gliderport by the FAA in 2008)
*Kars/Rideau Valley Air Park (Canada)
*Finlay Air Park (Canada)
*Toronto City Centre Airport (Canada
*Air Park-Dallas Airport (USA) (Listed as an airport by the FAA in 2008)
*Grimsby Air Park (Canada)
*Smoketown Airport (USA) (Listed as an airport by the FAA in 2008)
*Bendigo Airport (USA) (Listed as an airport by the FAA in 2008)
*Calvert Peak STOLport (USA) (Activated July 1969)
*Compressor Station Number 10 STOLport (USA) (closed)


*London City Airport (UK)
*Barra Airport (UK)
*Hammerfest Airport (Norway)
*Honningsvåg Airport, Valan (Norway)
*Narvik Airport, Framnes (Norway)
*Svolvær Airport, Helle (Norway)
*Vadsø Airport (Norway)

ee also



Further reading

* [ A Flight Investigation using Variable Glide Path Trajectories to Compensate for Winds and Moderate Wind Shears]
* [ Elevated STOLport Test Facility Conceptual Development and Cost Study.]
* [ Technical Feasibility of Floating Interim Manhattan STOLport.]
*"County Plans Study of Stolport for Pasadena" Los Angeles Times. September 10, 1972
* [ "Possible STOLport Sites Now Up to 3"] The New York Times. May 28, 1972
* [ "Short-Runway Port For Planes Is Urged At the Trade Center"] The New York Times. November 18, 1966
* [ "F.A.A. Backs $36,000 Study Of a Floating STOLport Here"] The New York Times. July 3, 1970.
* [,9171,838584,00.html "Starting STOL"] Time. Aug. 16, 1968.
* [,9171,837664,00.html Flying Downtown] . Time. Jan. 12, 1968
*"Catalina Needs STOLPORT to prosper" Independent Press-Telegram. Sunday, August 24, 1969

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