Saskia de Coster

Saskia de Coster

Saskia de Coster (born 1976) is a Belgian writer.

She has been nominated as one of the best writers for the last years. Vrije Val, Jeuk, and Eeuwige roem are 3 books.


Saskia the Coster are born in the winter of 1976th them were already on very young age actively busy with letter. In 1989, her produced that the title of national laureaat in junior the journalist game. On its eighteenth the Coster will to leuven to the KUL Germanic study languages (1994-1998). She wound up the study successfully in 1998, to start immediately again to a master in literature science (1998-1999)


Saskia the Coster ism Arno Geens, Oversteektechnieken for house animals, hasselt, 2007, green boulevard off the BampslaanThe Coster made one's debut in 2000, with under each other, dark tales concerning the desintegratie of an unusual family, still appeared in the new international time zones book (meanwhile no longer exist). In the meantime the Coster, which are also active as expressive artist (them put earlier already paintings and installations tentoon) and videaste, leave notice themselves with eigenzinnige pieces in the book appendix of the morning.

In 2002, Saskia followed the Costers real romandebuut with the novelle free fall. In 2002, the Coster are selected by the redactie of brakke dog for beautiful young dogs, new Flemish literary brio.

Beside novels she writes also columns (among other things for the morning and the standard, piglet deal). She also occupies himself with video art (with work in Z33 in hasselt) and writing for theatre (toneelgezelschap crew) and provides muzikanten such as Daan Stuyven and Dez Mona with lyrics. She is also core saving action members of the literary illustrated magazine DWB (Dietsche warande & belfort).

Saskia the Coster cooperate regulated with beeldende artists, among other things with Arno Geens for the artistic planning of a zebra path to the green boulevard off the Bampslaan in hasselt, 2007. the design are called oversteekplaats for house animals and contain the next inktzwarte text on the six parallel white fields of the zebra path: "to we gone are", "Snuif every line", always line "also this" remains."at me", "not too fast diertje.", and "follow diertje further." Its design fits in with in an end 2007 taking place hasselts art project crossovercrosswalk.


Free fall (2002, Bert baker) Tingling (2004, Bert baker) Eternal celebrity (2006, Prometheus) Hero (2007, Prometheus)


* [ Saskia de Coster]
* [ Official Site]
* [ Saskia Coster]
* [ Author page at Prometheus]

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