Carlo Mattogno

Carlo Mattogno

Carlo Mattogno (born in 1951 in Orvieto, Italy) is an Italian Holocaust denier.

He carried out advanced linguistic studies in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. He is the author of numerous books and monographs, several of which have been published in his Journal. He lives with his family in a suburb of Rome.

In 1985 Mattogno published the book "The Myth of the Extermination of the Jews" and in the same year the booklet "The Gerstein Report - Anatomy of a Fraud" (see also: Gerstein Report). Both publications are devoted to disputing the genocide in the Nazi concentration camps and death camps.

Mattogno is a member of the advisory board of the Institute for Historical Review, a body which promotes theories of Holocaust denial, and also contributes to the French-language journal "Annales d'Histoire Revisionniste". He also appears widely in publications by the Holocaust denier Germar Rudolf as well as a number of English- and German-language revisionist websites, and has not so far been legally censured for any of these activities.


:"Much of this article is translated from the German wikipedia article of March 4th 2007"

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