

name = "Astropecten"

image_caption = Astropecten irregularis
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Echinodermata
subphylum = Eleutherozoa
classis = Asteroidea
ordo = Paxillosida
familia = Astropectinidae
genus = "Astropecten"
genus_authority = Gray, 1840
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text.

"Astropecten" is a genus of starfish of the family Astropectinidae.


* "Astropecten alligator" Perrier, 1881
* "Astropecten americanus" (Verrill, 1880)
* "Astropecten antillensis" Lütken, 1860
* "Astropecten armatus" Gray, 1840
* "Astropecten articulatus" (Say, 1825) - royal sea star, royal sea star
* "Astropecten aurantciacus"
* "Astropecten braziliensis" Müller and Troschel, 1842
* "Astropecten cingulatus" Sladen, 1883
* "Astropecten comptus" Verrill, 1915
* "Astropecten duplicatus" Gray, 1840 - two-spined star fish, two-spined star fish
* "Astropecten irregularis"
* "Astropecten nitidus"
* "Astropecten nuttingi"
* "Astropecten ornatissimus" Fisher, 1906
* "Astropecten polyacanthus" Müller & Troschel, 1842
* "Astropecten verrilli" de Loriol, 1899



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