- Bora (Australian)
A Bora is the name given both to an
initiation ceremony ofIndigenous Australians , and to the site on which the initiation is performed. At such a site, young boys are transformed into men. The initiation ceremony differs from culture to culture, but often involvescircumcision andscarification , and may also involve the removal of a tooth or part of a finger. The ceremony, and the process leading up to it, involves the learning of sacred songs, stories, dances, and traditional lore. Many different clans will assemble to participate in an initiation ceremony.The word "Bora" was originally from South-East Australia, but is now often used throughout Australia to describe an initiation site or ceremony. It is called a "Burbung" in the language of the
Darkinjung , to the North ofSydney . The name is said to come from that of the belt worn by initiated men. The appearance of the site varies from one culture to another, but it is often associated withstone arrangements , rock engravings, or other art works. Women are generally prohibited from entering a bora.In South East Australia, the Bora is often associated with the creator-spirit
Baiame . In theSydney region, large Earth mounds were made, shaped as long bands or simple circles. Sometimes the boys would have to pass along a path marked on the ground representing the transition from childhood to manhood, and this path might be marked by a stone arrangement or by footsteps, ormundoes , cut into the rock. In other areas of South-East Australia, a Bora site might consist of two circles of stones, and the boys would start the ceremony in the larger, public, one, and end it in the other, smaller, one, to which only initiated men are admitted.Bora rings, found in South-East
Australia , are circles of foot-hardened earth surrounded by raised embankments. They were generally constructed in pairs (although some sites have three), with a bigger circle about 22 metres in diameter and a smaller one of about 14 metres. The rings are joined by a sacred walkway.Matthews (1897) gives an excellent eye-witness account of a Bora ceremony, and explains the use of the two circles.
* "Footprints on Rock", 1997, Sydney: Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council. ISBN 0 7313 1002 0
* "The Burbung of the Darkinung Tribes", 1897, Matthews, R.H., Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 10, 1: 1-12.
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