- Real matrices (2 x 2)
The 2 x 2 real matrices are the
linear mapping s of theCartesian coordinate system into itself by the rule:The set of all such real matrices is denoted by M(2,R). Two matrices "p" and "q" have a sum "p" + "q" given bymatrix addition . The product matrix "p q" is formed from thedot product of the rows and columns of its factors throughmatrix multiplication . For: let Then "q q" * = ("ad" − "bc") "I", where "I" is the 2 x 2 identity matrix. The real number "ad" − "bc" is called thedeterminant of "q". Evidently when "ad" − "bc" ≠ 0, "q" is aninvertible matrix and then:The collection of all such invertible matrices constitutes thegeneral linear group GL(2,R). In terms ofabstract algebra , the set of 2 by 2 real matrices and their associated addition and multiplication operators forms a ring, and GL(2,R) is itsgroup of units . M(2,R) is also a four-dimensionalvector space , so it is considered anassociative algebra . It is ring-isomorphic to thecoquaternion s, but has a different profile.Profile
Within M(2,R), the multiples by real numbers of the
identity matrix "I" may be considered areal line . Since every matrix lies in a commutativesubring of M(2,R) that includes this real line, the whole ring can be profiled by such subrings. Toward this end one needs matrices "m" such that "m"2 ∈ { −"I", 0, "I" } to form planesP"m" = {"x I" + "ym" : "x", "y" ∈ R}, which are in fact commutative subrings.The square of the generic matrix is
which is diagonal when "a" + "d" = 0. Thus we assume "d" = −"a" when looking for "m" to form commutative subrings. When "mm" = −"I", then "bc" = −1 − "aa", an equation describing an
hyperbolic paraboloid in the space of parameters ("a", "b", "c"). In this case P"m" is isomorphic to the field of (ordinary)complex number s. When "mm" = +"I", "bc" = +1 − "aa", giving a similar surface, but now P"m" is isomorphic to the ring ofsplit-complex number s. The case "mm" = 0 arises when only one of "b" or "c" is non-zero, and the commutative subring P"m" is then a copy of thedual number plane.Equi-areal mapping
First transform one differential vector into another:
Area s are measured with "density" , a differential 2-form which involves the use ofexterior algebra . The transformed density is:
Thus the equi-areal mappings are identified with
SL(2,R) = {"g" ∈ M(2,R) : det("g") = 1}, thespecial linear group . Given the profile above, every such "g" lies in a commutative subring P"m" representing a type of complex plane according to the square of "m". Since "g g"* = "I", one of the following three alternatives occurs:
* "mm" = −"I" and "g" is on a circle of Euclidean rotations; or
* "mm" = "I" and "g" is on an hyperbola ofsqueeze mapping s; or
* "mm" = 0 and "g" is on a line ofshear mapping s.
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